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Bulgaria’s population has declined from 9 million in 1990, to less than 7 million in 2020

Many E. European countries have declining populations but (aside from Ukraine) none more dramatically so than Bulgaria, the EU’s poorest country.  Unlike W. Europe – with its high wages and generous welfare payments – Bulgaria is not attractive to the hordes of 3rd world economic migrants which have kept populations (and tensions) increasing in W. Europe.

But perhaps in the future Bulgaria could attract migrants from W. Europe fed up with high housing prices,  increasing congestion, political polarisation, enforced “diversity”, and rapidly worsening crime..?  Although Bulgarian winters are chilly, summers are very warm and the sandy Black Sea beaches attract many holiday-makers and those looking for bargain-priced holiday homes such as below.   Not to mention inexpensive restaurants, beer and very good local wines.

a house with trees in the background: The one-bed apartment at The Vineyards Resort

A fully-furnished 1-bedroom apartment in this luxury complex near the Black Sea resort of Sunny Beach recently sold for just £20,000

That said probably not everyone fancies the idea of living in such a poor country, amongst poor people who don’t speak English, and one where there are few (if any) established British (or other W. European) communities.  And, unlike in Spain for example, no schools, shops, pubs, or restaurants which cater to them.