@The Pollution Solution..!


OΔsis Cities are the solution to all these issues, and more…. 

  • ENERGY INSECURITY – Wind Power – expensive, intermittent, and inefficient – is England’s only abundant energy source.
    • OA-Cities will generate all (or most) their power needs onsite from renewable resources – and will also consume 80% less energy per capita 
  • FOOD INSECURITY – 50% of Britain’s food (by value) is imported, and its transportation, storage, and refrigeration, involves an enormous waste of energy.
    • OA-Cities (given a suitable area of adjacent land) will produce much of their own food on-site – especially fruit, vegetables, grains, and dairy.    
  • FRESH WATER INSECURITY – Distant reservoirs, water-treatment plants, countless miles of water mains….
    • OA-Cities will need none this expensively extensive infrastructure.  Rainwater will be collected on-site.  It will also re-cycle its grey water.
  • WASTE RE-CYCLING – in OB-Cities so-called “re-cycling” is generally an uneconomic “feel-good” exercise.
    • OA-Cities will re-cycle all their water and human and animal waste.  It will also aim to abolish disposable products and re-introduce re-usable items, such as food containers.
  • MOST DENSELY POPULATED – England is now the most crowded country in Europe, twice the density of Germany and quadruple that of France.
    • OA-Cities alone cannot change this fact but, for those fortunate enough to gain residence, it will be an infinitely more tranquil place in which to live.
  • SPRAWLING CITIES – Greater Paris, despite a larger pop’n than London GLC, occupies just half the land area.
    • OA-Cities could in theory house all London’s population on just 10% of its area, and 50% of that (much reduced) area would be parks, gardens, and woodlands.   
  • EXPENSIVE LAND – sprawl and complex road networks (esp. motorways) consume vast swathes of land, thus inflating the price of what is left.
    • OA-Cities will reduce land demand by 90% and since deliveries will be by rail, roads will eventually become redundant.. 
  • EXPENSIVE HOUSING – especially in convenient central areas with short commutes
    • OA-Cities will eliminate commuting – and the waste of time and energy, plus the stress and discomfort.  
  • EXPENSIVE PUBLIC TRANSPORT – sprawl increases costs whilst reducing frequency and efficiency.
    • OA-Cities precincts will be linked by an elevated maglev PRT system of 2 or 4 seater “pods” (see “Skytran”)
  • DESTRUCTION OF THE COUNTRYSIDE (for new housing, roads, etc)
    • Widespread adoption of OA-Cities will help preserve and beautify the countryside  
  • WILDLIFE ANNIHILATION due to road-kill and fragmentation of the countryside by ever more, ever wider, and ever busier roads.
    • Remember how you used to see road-kill hedgehogs all the time, but rarely nowadays?   Thats because they’ve all been killed..!   Well, not quite all, just 97% of them...!
    • OA-Cities wildlife will be safe in their surrounding sanctuaries

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