WMMCC – White Man Made Climate Change

Oasis Cities will enable the West to reclaim the Moral High Ground 

A barely concealed anti-white animus drives the 3rd world blame-gaming the West for climate change. The UN routinely berates the West for its high carbon footprint whilst subliminally urging “the global south” to flood into white countries where, ironically, they immediately triple their carbon footprint.   White nations are ordered to compensate the 3rd World – especially Africa – for the consequences of “climate change”.  But will they ever compensate us for bringing them education, law and order, administration, electric power, public health, modern medicine, and the countless other benefits of western civilisation which has enabled their populations to explode un-controllably..? 

Some 3rd world nations, mainly African, have discovered that “Climate Change” is a useful tool to harangue the West with the dis-ingenuous claim that “White Man Made Climate Change” is causing great harm to the African environment, despite Africans themselves never displaying any sign of caring for “their environment” before..!  Since independence in the early 1960’s the once almost pristine African environment has been degraded and destroyed by uncontrolled population growth, reckless forest destruction, relentless wildlife slaughter, and poor land management – which has led to rapidly spreading desertification in the Sahel particularly.  At their favourite grievances tribunal – the UNITED USELESS NATIONS – WMMCC is being wielded as another weapon with which to attack the “evil West” for their alleged “historical exploitation” of brown and black people.

As “compensation” for WMMCC they demand WE POUR MORE “REPARATION$$$” – on top of the $trillions we have already given in (mostly stolen) “foreign aid” – into the bottomless pockets of corrupt African dictators..!

Mugabe dead at 95 : The day I got under his skin | World News | Sky News

Robber Mugarbage berating the West

Of course the West, along with the big Asian economies (who are somehow shielded from criticism), do emit far more pollutants than agrarian pre-industrial African countries.   But none of our existing efforts or future (mostly fanciful) carbon-capturing schemes are likely to reduce our total emissions by the amount that would be required to reverse the warming trend, assuming that is even possible..!

BUT, were we to initiate a programme of replacing wasteful OB-Cities with OA-Cities – thus dramatically curbing car usage and fossil-fuel consumption – we would be able to respond to the relentless stream of 3rd World moral blackmail with a straight face and a clear conscience….

“With our Oasis-City building programme we have made enormous progress in reducing our Carbon Emissions, so what about YOUR PART of the deal..?   What are you doing – or what do YOU intend to do – about your population growth and rapidly expanding desertification due to your ongoing destruction of your forests and wildlife..?   How many trees have you planted to replace those you have cut down?”   

Now listen to the sound of crickets chirping…!


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