(edit) patios and panoramas

One of the many advantages of the pyramidal shape is that inclined walls provide exterior-facing apartments with generously-sized patios and, with OasisCities, unobstructed panoramic views.     


Terraced apartment block

Could be a small section of a pyramid 

Terraced apts on hillside

Terraced apartments built into hillside

These pictures illustrate how much more appealing are terraced apartments compared to those in a typical vertical block.   Terracing provides a wide and deep patio for entertaining or a small private garden.  

The pic below shows an apartment patio which, although not terraced, certainly does have a fantastic view.   

In a terraced building this patio would be much more spacious and more sheltered too..!

Apartments which directly overlook – with no obstructions – a park (or river, lake, or sea) always come at a big price premium over one with a limited or obstructed view. And a VERY big premium over one with no view at all.  The one in the picture above seems to be a penthouse overlooking New York’s Central Park.    Very nice if you can afford, what, maybe $5 million.?  But even at that sort of price, is it really so nice?  Yes, there is a vast and beautiful park opposite but to get there you have to cross a busy, noisy road and…..is the park SAFE..?   Would you let your kids go there unescorted..?  Would you feel comfortably safe walking around, even with a group of friends, after dark..?   Maybe some well-lit and well-policed areas are relatively safe, but I doubt anyone would feel totally relaxed.

Exactly where does the sun rise and set?
Very few city-dwellers have a panoramic view of the skyline and they probably could not point out, except very approximately, where the sun or moon rises and sets and how this varies with the seasons.  

Observe the weather and the night sky
OΔsis Citizens will enjoy a whole range of atmospheric and climatic effects which pass by almost un-noticed by OBeCity denizens.   On clear nights they will be able to see a sky full of thousands of stars and, like shepherds of old, they will observe the night sky and its constellations, and learn where and when the sun and moon rise and set at different times of the year.   They will watch the movement of clouds and see the mist and the weather approach before it strikes.  They will enjoy watching and experiencing the cleansing feeling of a rain-storm and the magical silence of heavy snowfalls from the comfort of their own private patio or from a café or restaurant located on a panoramic vantage point.   Most urbanites only witness these events whilst on holiday, perhaps when staying in a luxury resort hotel.  OΔsis Cities will deliver the same holiday ambience, only better..!