“Forced” labour..?

See the source image

Not every OA-City will make community assistance a condition of residency, but those that do will be stronger, more cohesive, and more successful communities than those which don’t. 

By making people work for no pay, as a condition of residency, aren’t you re-creating the feudal societies of the mediaeval era..?

Nonsense, the serfs who had to work the lord of the manors land had no other choices in life.   They were not even free to leave their village and move to another place.   They were, in effect, the property of the lord of the manor.

  • Nobody will be “forced” to live in an Oasis City – on the contrary, passing the admission interview will be like landing a top job, so those that do will feel privileged to become a member of such a community.

  • Most people will get great satisfaction from doing community service, for social-bonding and community cohesion AND the opportunity to meet your fellow citizens

  • OA-Citizens will have much more spare time – partly because they will not waste time commuting long distances to work, school, etc., but also because OA-Cities may well operate on a 4 day week or less.  

  • Not every OA-City will make community assistance a condition of residency, but those that do will be stronger, more cohesive, and more successful communities than those which don’t.