“An idea that is not dangerous in some way is unworthy of being called an idea at all”   Oscar Wilde 

If or when Oasis-Cities are permitted political autonomy, it will facilitate an enormous range of socio-political initiatives that would be virtually impossible to legislate in conventional “democracies”, except maybe over a very long time-frame. For example – despite that an allegedly dangerous idea” like euthanasia is supported by a majority in most democracies, it is routinely voted-down by the peoples so-called “representatives” on “moralistic” grounds.  Which is ironic because, even if only a “minority” were in favour of euthanasia, surely there is something morally wrong with the majoritarian “logic” that – were the issue ever put to a referendum – the wishes of 49 % (or even 49.99%) could be justifiably ignored if a tiny 51% (or even 50.01%) so-called “majority” voted against the issue.   Such is the curious logic of the allegedly almost perfect “democracy”, which nobody dare question lest he/she be labelled a “fascist” – or a similar “non-person” category..!

“Democracy” is another of those trip-up words or phrases like “equality” or “diversity” or “anti-racism” or “Black lives matter” which sound so wholesomely positive that we dare not challenge their logic without looking like “bad people”.  

Oasis Cities could re-empower those of us whose ideals and opinions have been “silenced” by a tidal wave of virtue-signalling woke sanctimony.          

Imagine there’s no countries –

it isn’t hard to do… 

Oasis Cities could unlock an Aladdin’s Cave of exciting and “dangerous” possibilities