OA-Cities won’t allow for “stuff” and clutter

Living in 3S (smaller smarter spaces) would force us to ask ourselves “DO I REALLY NEED TO BUY THIS?” before making spontaneous purchases of “stuff” or things we don’t really need

“The best things in life aren’t even things.”   Art Buchwald

Un-necessary possessions burden us


Old fing’s ain’t liked wot they used to be…

We only realise how much “stuff” we have accumulated over the years when we move home.    

Builders skips and re-cycling centres are full of discarded or obsolete gadgets, etc., “not worth repairing”

We have all gone into a “Pound Shop” to buy a single item and wind up buying a dozen items we don’t really need, because they’re cheap..!  

Spare rooms and garages become storage rooms where we file and forget stuff or appliances, etc, that either no longer work or have been superseded by newer models    

When we give our redundant “stuff” to charity shops its like a weight off our minds and bodies, and we tend to feel better about getting rid of it

But what do those charity shops do with all that old china, glassware, books, etc, that nobody really wants..?  

We should all ask ourselves – “do I have anything that I haven’t used or touched or looked at for more than 3 years?”

We wouldn’t accumulate as much “stuff” and we might even share things with neighbours, like we did in the past.

Instead of every home having a box of cheap Chinese-made tools, we could borrow or hire top quality German tools.

Sharing not only conserves resources it also means we can then afford to use better quality goods  

It feels good to share things with people who appreciate the gesture and take good care of the items.


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