its full of Nazi ideas..!

“Its full of Nazi ideas” a friend of mine said after reading this very long list of ADVANTAGES 

Did she mean the emphasis on…

Health & Fitness, Safety & Security, more Wage Equality, Good Manners and Self-Respect, dis-incentivisation of Single Motherhood, dissuasion of openly Queer lifestyles, banning of internet Pornography and Violence, evaluation of aspiring citizens, or was it the ‘obviously’ Hitlerian “Community Assistance Pledge” that would oblige able-bodied citizens to give up some of their newly-found free time to community work..?

Unlike cultish POLITICAL movements masquerading as “religions” that welcome new recruits, but then  make it difficult if not dangerous to leave…

Oasis Cities will be HARD TO JOIN – but EASY TO LEAVE..!