A community as defined by the Oxford Dictionary: “a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common; a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.” 

How Companies Can Start Planting Roots in a Community | SmallBizClub

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Which community do these represent..?

Whenever the media talks about “community leaders” or “close-knit communities”, its probably not a majority white British community they are talking about.  These are euphemisms for parallel communities of 3rd world migrants who have THEIR interests at heart and generall DO NOT CARE about the interests of their hosts.  Many – if not most – of them are engaged in undermining and eventually destroying what still remains of what was once good, special or unique about Britain.

Because Britain is “racist”..!

So I would like to see them establish their own autonomous self-funded communities in which they can prove the worth of “their culture”, both to themselves and to us. 

OASIS-CITIES offers that possibility