@Will “they” allow it..?

“A liberal paradise would be a place where everyone has guaranteed employment, free healthcare, free education, free food, free housing, free clothing, free utilities, and only the law has guns.  Believe it or not, such places already exist.  It’s called a prison.”   Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Oasis-Cities are such an improvement they will definitely come to be, but mainly  because their environmental benefits are so compelling.  They will not, at first, be allowed political autonomy and freedom to make their own laws.

NWO “progressives” and “greens” will salivate over the eco-benefits of OA-Cities – energy and water self-sufficiency, lower consumption, less waste, re-cycling, etc.  They will also like the “equalitarian” aspects of outwardly-similar homes, narrower wage differentials, etc.  But they will gnash their self-righteous teeth at fascist ideas like selective admission or political autonomy..! Citizens cannot be allowed to make their own laws unless we approve of those laws..!”   Leftists are the ultimate control freaks – they claim to believe in freedom but only on their terms – they are only really happy when forcing everyone to dwell in communal echo-chambers of “approved thoughts”.  If left to the left (lol..!) OA-Cities would be used as multi-racial melting-pots – dystopian socially-engineered apartment complexes of submissive citizen-proles.

But many aspiring OA-city founding groups would want to establish selective communities (“intentional communities”)  Citizens of such “homes writ large” would share similar social, political, religious, or spiritual visions and would be selected on the basis of mutual compatibility, as in any good partnership.  Diverse in aptitude, but not in ethnicity..!  The right of individuals or groups to associate with, and live alongside, similar-behavioured, similar-thinking and similar-looking people is fundamental to freedom.  Forbidding that right – or govt-imposition of alien outsiders or other obvious incompatibles – comes straight from the totalitarian rulebook, like being ordered who you should associate with, who you must have children with, and how many, etc.

Governments will probably want to impose politically-driven conditions in return for granting sanction – for example, a requirement that they must include quotas of “social housing” and “ethnic-enrichers”. 

All of this is also decreed by the de-facto “state religion” of the EU – the aggressively-enforced cult of allegedly “enriching” multicultural diversity.  And what could be more heart-warmingly appropriate?  Where would Britain be without our sanctified “cultural-enrichers” the first of whom, as we are solemnly and often reminded “rebuilt Britain after the war”?   I mean nothing – absolutely NOTHING..! could be worse than a country or city composed exclusively of the stale, pale “hideously white” mono-cultural communities that created European culture and civilisation in the first place.

   For the concept to achieve its full potential, OA-Cities must have their own individual charters and be politically-independent.   

OA-City residents will have far fewer economic burdens – no cars, no mortgage, less furniture and furnishings to buy, no travelling expenses, lower utility charges, and other economies.  Employers would thus have no difficulty attracting good employees, despite offering significantly lower wages.  But for this to happen, minimum wage legislation – an “equalitarian” policy beloved of the left – would have to be scrapped in OA-cities..!  The left would fight tooth and nail to prevent this happening, since they instinctively hate anything that employers would like.

Critics will also argue that people with specialist skills won’t be able to find employment in their chosen or preferred field, and may have to accept a lower status job.   This may be true but OA-Cities will attract people motivated more by lifestyle than financial reward and will happily accept the limitations of living in a small community.  It will be similar to living on a small island of 8,000 people – and who hasn’t wanted to live on an island?

In the long run the OA-City IDEAL – self-reliant compatible communities living, working, schooling, and playing under one roof – will overcome all narrow-minded controlling attitudes.