Progressive “Education” – Left, Right, Left, Left, Left….


Now here’s a really original idea – schools and colleges where students are taught HOW to think rather than WHAT to think..!

“Modern state schools and Universities are the breeding grounds for cultural-Marxism, anti-white social theories, and a host of culture destroying ideologies. While such ideologies formally begin in junior school, they are reinforced in middle school, high school and then pounded like there’s no tomorrow once these same students reach colleges which indoctrinate rather than teach. They exist to teach your children what to think rather than how to think.”    Ambrose Kane (Amren)

The far-left’s totalitarian control of our so-called “Teacher-Training Schools” ensures that almost nobody who does not go along with the agenda will be tolerated for long.  Thus ensuring that 90% of todays “teachers” are utterly marinated in leftism and CRT (critical race theory) and other “progressive ideas” by the time they are ready to work in the state-school system, an environment that very few free thinkers could tolerate for long.  The same applies to university lecturers and professors, possibly to an even greater degree.  Once a system gets so thoroughly corrupted the only way to clean it out is to scrap it and begin again with a “new model”.   But the very name “state school” implies an agenda or, as it is euphemistically known, “the curriculum”.

Oasis-Cities will be able to break free from the ideological strait-jacket of a “national curriculum” with individually-tailored teaching methods,  just as they vary from country to country.   Why must every school in a country of 60 million teach basically the same stuff by the same methods…?   Is the Danish school curriculum the same as the Swedish one?   For that matter are Scots taught the same as the English?