
Howard Aiken – computer pioneer 1900-1973

By “giving the idea away”, my hope is to contact inspirational individuals who share my vision, but who also possess what I lack – the drive, the contacts, the writing skills, etc., – the general wherewithal to get the Oasis-City concept widely publicised and also to prove the naysayers wrong..!

 Collaborators sought…

These chapters contain a wealth of material for an inspirational book with the captivating title, or sub-title – “The Shape of Cities to Come”.  Unlike a transient website such as this, which can disappear without trace – a book, even if it sells only a thousand copies, will live on and even end up in a library or two.  But, being an unknown with no previous books to my name, I feel I need a published co-author with the right credentials for this topic.  At the very least an endorsement – preferably an introduction – by a well-known personality, ideally someone with environmental and/or architectural credentials.   And, so that this idea gets the widespread publicity it so richly deserves, it is vitally important that the book be reviewed by the right people in the right places,.   Considering the possible implications it has for the future of mankind and civilisation itself, this idea deserves much better than a simple paperback or e-book.   Ideally a “Coffee Table” book rich with drawings, diagrams and colour illustrations, etc.   Obviously this quality of publication would be expensive to produce and, were I to go the self-publishing route, would risk becoming a vanity-publishing white elephant.

The most effective way to promote the OasisCity concept would be via an international public-speaking road show, a la Al Gore.   This would require someone with good public-speaking skills, ideally a person well-respected in the environmental movement.  Al Gore, should he be reading this, might wish to apply for the job because Oasis Cities have the potential to ameliorate EVERY ONE of the problems highlighted in “An Inconvenient Truth”.

My video introduction idea, inspired by “2001 A Space Odyssey” 


Any helpful comments or advice from professionals such as Architects, Engineers, Economists, Construction cost estimators, Landscape designers, Website Designers, etc., would be greatly appreciated.   Email me directly –    



OasisCities - the Holy Grail of enviro and societal problems..?
Due to a huge reduction in carbon emissions and all forms of consumption, OA-Cities will have a much gentler eco-footprint than OB-Cities. But the advantages are not limited to the environment, as OA-Cities have the potential to solve – or greatly ameliorate – or, as I like to say, FINESSE virtually every problem you can think of..!  So whenever TV talking heads are pontificating and agonising over the latest enviro or social-issue crisis, I always want to SHOUT AT THE TV… 

“If we had Oasis-Cities, this problem you are discussing – and most of the others too – would simply disappear..!” 

OA-Cities are a GAME-CHANGER which would bring about a quantum-leap improvement in all aspects of civilised life – economics, education, child-rearing, food production, renewable energy, nature conservation, aesthetics, politics & society, and so on.  I believe OA-Cities have the potential to ameliorate virtually every environmental and social issue that can be named.  Obviously such a big claim will bring forth many doubters.  Great..!  

I welcome all arguments and objections, as long as they are constructive, so please don’t offer banal platitudes like “its an old idea” or “it will never happen”.  

Finally, if anyone can think of some useful angle I have omitted which they think would enhance the concept, please submit your idea for possible inclusion on the website.  Unless you request anonymity, I will byline the author’s name, but I also reserve the right to edit any such submission.