Social Engineering…?

Multiculturalism and “Diversity” are a prime example of enforced Social Engineering imposed by an arrogant and self-righteous political elite

“Social Engineering” refers to government efforts to alter and control societal attitudes and remake society in a new image.

SE has always been imbued with negative connotations.  But all laws and governance could be considered “social engineering” to some extent, since it applies rules and conditions to peoples behaviour.  Prohibitions on physical and verbal assault, excessive noise-making, littering, creating a “public disturbance”, public urination and defecation, public nudity, public drunken-ness, lighting fires in the street, cruelty to animals, etc., are all policies designed to discourage undesirable and unsociable behaviour.   Nobody thinks of these as Social Engineering since they are all obvious pillars of a humane and responsible society, and which no civilised person could reasonably object to.

The negative aspect of Social Engineering is when self-righteous political elites – without the consent of the electorate and without announcing their intention – imposes a radical “nation-changing” political policy under the arrogant presumption “you voted for us, so we know what’s best for you..!”

Multiculturalism” – deceitfully dressed as “cultural enrichment” (enrichment must be a good thing, right..!) – is a sinister Orwellian euphemism for MASS 3RD WORLD IMMIGRATION and enforced racial mixing.  Those behind it fully intend to change the ethnic “face” of the country via population replacement.  Whites out – browns and blacks in – and anyone who objects will be vilified as “haters”, “bigots”, and “racists” (ie, latter day heretics).   The end result is cultural and national GENOCIDE. It is TREASON..! 

The sneak implementation of an IRREVERSIBLE NATION-CHANGING policy perfectly illustrates why our so-called “representative democracy” is a complete sham. 


"Social Engineering" is only bad when imposed without the approval of citizens
Aspiring OA-City citizens will be fully briefed on the city charter and its socio-political philosophy, and any uncertainties or reservations they might have will become clear in their application motivation and subsequent interview.  Any major changes to the founding charter could only be implemented with the approval of a “super-majority” of its voting citizenry. 

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