Pyramids On Mars..?

See the source image

Enhanced photo taken from Viking orbiter 1976


See the source image

I bought this book back in the late ’80’s


Like most people I was thrilled by the hope that the first successful Mars landings – the 2 Viking probes in 1976 – might find signs of ancient life.  But, after some initially positive signs, the Viking lander “life experiments” returned ambiguous results. 

However, about 10 years later, someone studying the photographic images taken by the orbiter saw what looked like an enormous human “Face on Mars”.  This created a huge amount of excitement and feverish speculation that there may once have been an advanced civilisation on Mars.

In “The Monuments of Mars” (1987) author Richard Hoagland not only talks-up the alleged “Face”, he also speculates about what he claimed to be a nearby “City” of enormous pyramids.

Noticing that one or more of these alleged “ruined pyramids” appeared to be hollow, it suddenly struck me – “Why of course..! – PYRAMIDS are EXACTLY what an advanced civilisation would build – as secure and protective places in which to live..!”


Sadly, the much better images sent by more recent Mars orbiters have poured cold water on these exciting prospects..! But this does not change the premise that, if mankind survives and our technology reaches the stage where we could send colonising missions to exo-planets – then, for a whole bunch of good reasons… 

The cities we would build on other planets would most likely be PYRAMIDAL CITIES..!