Wind-farms – do we need them..?

Britain is spending countless £billions building dozens of enormous off-shore wind farms which are “necessary” if we are to achieve “carbon neutrality” by the target date of 2050. 

Another much nearer target date is 2030, after which all new cars will have to be EV and no further ICE cars will be sold.  To replace Britain’s 33 million ICE cars with an equivalent number of EV cars will require an enormous increase in electricity generation, hence the haste to build all those offshore wind farms.

Oasis Cities would make this totally un-necessary, since they would consume up to 80% LESS electricity, most of which will be generated by BUILDING-INTEGRATED solar and wind power.  No vast acreages of fields covered with solar panels or countryside dominated by wind-turbines.

 Oasis Cities will have NO PERSONAL CARS.  Why have cars when you could walk everywhere..?  A small number of community-owned cars will be available to rent for outside journeys.


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