“In the year 2525 if Mankind is still alive”

Given the current political climate, when “space” could become a euphemism for “other peoples planets”, it’s strange how the idea of humans “colonising space” could still be regarded as an exciting and adventurous idea.  I say “strange” because (in weird and wacky lefty minds) “colonisation” is regarded as a “crime against humanity” – and one that is totally “alien” (pun intended) to the leftist narrative that claims European colonisation of “other peoples homelands” was the worst sin in all of history. A crime for which white ppl, whose forebears perpetrated this dreadful holocaust on millions of noble and wholesome People of Colour (PoC), must feel terrible guilt and self-flagellate and pay recompense till the end of time.  Ironically, the most popular form of “compensation” seems to consist of allowing millions of previously colonised PoC to colonise the homelands of the colonisers..! 

(Although careful not to call it what it obviously is (colonisation), lefties regard the mass PoC influx into white ppl’s homelands as an expression of “social justice” with some very desirable political outcomes for the left.  In some manner of of magical alchemy the offspring of PoC – even those who miscegenated with People of No Colour  – become PoC themselves.  These hybrids dutifully wield their “voting skills” to dis-empower their despised white heritage.   

Nevertheless, assuming civilisation manages to survive the nuclear-sabre-rattling excitement of the next century or two, and our technology advances to the stage where we can venture beyond our own solar system, we will one day come face-to-face with this ancient dilemma once again..!  Suppose we arrive at a suitable planet – will any “aliens of colour” welcome us with open arms and let us create a colony..?  If they object or resist, do we just fold up like bed-wetting lefty wimps sobbing – “oh shucks, we are so very sorry to have offended you by arrogantly polluting your peaceful paradise with our baleful presence..!”  So, faced with opposition from the locals would we leave obediently with our tails between our legs, and trek on a dozen light years further?  Or would we say “fuck you, we haven’t come all this way to be ordered around by a bunch of surly savages..!? 

But whether we are welcomed or we overstay our welcome, there is another issue…    

What kind of city would our colonists build..?   

A fleet of Starships carrying 10,000 colonists arrives at a planet they name Terra Nova, and decide to settle there and build a city.  But if the colonists wanted to build a city like those on Earth they would need to build an awful lot of infrastructure first….

  • WATER SUPPLY – build a DAM on a river, and then miles of PIPELINES
  • ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY – miles of transmission lines, conduits and cables
  • WATER DRAINAGE – an extensive network of PIPES & DRAINS
  • SEWERAGE system – a TUNNEL network and a TREATMENT plant
  • ROAD NETWORK – miles of roads and STREET LIGHTING, etc.
  • TRANSPORTATION – BUSES or TRAMS and, heaven forbid, maybe CARS….?
  • HOUSES, shops, offices, factories, etc.,

But, perhaps most of all they would need to build some kind of DEFENSES to protect them from hostile natives or large carnivorous creatures

Almost certainly the colonists would prefer NOT to live in small scattered buildings – they would want the SECURITY of living in a large SINGLE structure – a small arcology like an Oasis City..!


Tower of Babel as imagined by Marten van Valckenborch (1535–1612).   

Perhaps the “Tower of Babel” tale was based on folk memory of an advanced civilisation which had 3-dimensional cities..?  

Cities built by an advanced civilisation would almost certainly consist of a relatively small number of large secure structures – 3D cities, most probably PYRAMIDAL buildings, for reasons I have explained HERE..!

So why cannot the same logic be applied here on Planet Earth?

This is not Rocket Science (no pun intended) – we have had the technology to construct large buildings for many decades already..!  

See the source image

If we can build these 8,000 capacity cruise-ships…

…then why can’t we also build these 8,000 capacity Oasis-City habitats..?





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