Civilisation is DYING for Oasis Cities (2)


But there is much more to the OA-City concept than reducing GHI (“gross human impact”), important objective as that is. 

When I first conceived the idea, around 1990, I was only focussing on environmental issues or “saving the planet” as it is now popularly called.   My primary objective was to reduce the ecological footprint of the rich world by switching to compact modular enclosed cities in which cars would not be needed, thus eliminating the City Cancer of Sprawl whilst greatly reducing carbon emissions and wasteful consumption patterns.

That alone would be a huge game-changing improvement on OB-Cities.  But, the more I thought about the idea, the more I realised that OA-Cities have the potential to be much more than merely a “pollution solution”. 

Other important things at stake.  Like the very survival of Western Civilisation..!

OΔ-Cities have the potential to solve our most pressing ENVIRONMENTAL, ECONOMIC, POLITICAL, HEALTH & WELL-BEING, and every other SOCIAL issue…

Over-consumption and waste of resources, of water and land and non-renewable energy

Pollution of the air, water, and the environment in general

Noise pollution – motor vehicles, alarms, emergency vehicle sirens, noisy neighbours, etc.

“Time pollution” – the waste of time involved in commuting to work, schools, shops, etc.

Erosion and destruction of the countryside – housing estates, highways, retail parks, industry, etc

Pandemics – Oasis Cities could be easily quarantined if necessary – each habitat could make its own rules on social-distancing, mask-wearing, lockdowns, etc., thus allowing comparative studies to be made..

End the slaughter of wildlife and domestic pets on the roads

The ongoing stealth influx/invasion of economic migrants/”refugees” from dis-functional cultures

Declining standards of education, discipline, courtesy, respect, demeanour and general public behaviour….

Decadence, vulgarity, amorality, nihilism, materialism, hedonism, frivolity,

Declining standards of of individual responsibility and civic duty 

Obesity and unhealthy lifestyles, also encouraged by the benefits system

Low fertility – the no child or one child “family” or the DINKS (double income, no kids)

Politicised encouragement, facilitation and subsidisation of single parenthood 

Welfare and “social benefits” dependency leading to a generational lowering of IQ (Dysgenic effect)

Disproportionate wealth and salary gaps, thus stoking societal division

Fraudsters, vandalism, petty crime, outbreaks of rioting and looting

Increasing violent crime, disproportionately by “cultural enrichers”, but its a “hate crime” to notice it 

Terrorism, which will become much worse, e.g., pub and restaurant bombings yet to come

Ever-increasing indebtedness, eventually leading to economic collapse

“No-go Zones”, a growing feature (future?) of many cities in Western Europe, will expand into “No-go Cities” 

All this, and more, is leading us down the road to total civilizational collapse and a new “Dark Ages”

Oasis Cities have the potential to forge a new economy, a new politics, and new societies..! 

OA-Cities will enable a NEW CIVILISATION…!