No Politicians, No Police, No Problems..!

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Contradicting Churchill’s oft-repeated remark that Democracy, despite its flaws, is far preferable to every other form of government.



Politicians are routinely ridiculed in the media and despised by an increasingly angry electorate, but its unfair to blame politicians when its the system that is to blame.  Although most remain reluctant to admit it, even to themselves, some of us long ago woke (not that kind of “woke”) up to the realisation that democracy is a sham, a scam even, given that it is supposed to mean “rule by the people”.  The vast majority of the sheeple continue to mindlessly parrot the Churchillian narrative that “Democracy may be flawed but it is still far better than any other system”.  Despite this, I am sure most voters feel frustrated that “rule by the people” amounts to no more than being able to put a tick in a box once every few years which, in the “Anglo-sphere” at least, only gives the voter a Hobson’s choice between two religions so-called “political parties”.

Nowhere in the democratic world are people able to do what everyone really wants to do, which is to join in the debate and vote on the actual issues themselves..! In truth everyone wants to be a part-time unpaid politician – at least on the issues which concern them..!

This frustration explains why 52% of the British public (mainly older and working class) voted in 2016 for the rather rash gamble of Brexit.  IMO, the stock reason for the Brexit side’s narrow win – hatred for the “monolithic” EU – only partly explains the vote.  IMO, the public simply relished this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to VOTE ON A SPECIFIC ISSUE which enabled them to show the finger to the smug “re-moaner” political class..!

So if politicians – and the system they represent – are so widely disparaged, maybe the time has come when we should look at some alternatives to the holy cow of so-called “representative” so-called “democracy”.?  OA-cities could be the IDEAL VEHICLE for taking democracy back to its literal meaning of “rule by the people”..!  For the first time in world history some people could at long last have REAL DEMOCRACY..!  And they could even experiment – after in-depth discussions, to be followed by a free vote – with various permutations and degrees of democracy..!  

In OA-cities every citizen would be able to participate in political debates as and when they please – on the issues which most affect or concern or inspire them.  


Firstly a citizen – or more likely a group of citizens (as there will be a fee to be paid – will table a proposition to be discussed in the debating chamber (mini-parliament).  Having listened to both sides of the said proposition, citizens will be able to vote – electronically – on the issue, or not bother to vote, as the case might be.

There could be a token voting fee, say £5, which would go towards operating and maintaining the system.  This could also be discussed and voted on, if such a fee was not already included in the city’s founding charter.   

The voting process could – I would hope “should” – quiz each voter (again electronically) a series of randomly-chosen questions (with multiple-choice answers) in order to verify that the voter is properly acquainted with the issue – perhaps having listened to recordings of the debates – and is not just reacting impulsively and emotionally.  How difficult can this be in modestly-sized communities with today’s technology?


Unlike in many countries, the police are still generally respected in the UK – although nowhere near as much as they once were, especially since nanny-statism, feminism, leftism, wokery, and other insidious aspects of political-correctness has resulted in the police often becoming little more than glorified OVERWEIGHT social workers who spend much of their time investigating trivial matters and spurious “hate-crime” complaints.

Many new recruits appear to be UNFIT for the job, in every sense of the word.  After filling-out lengthy questionnaires sprinkled with trick questions designed to identify any “racist” opinions or attitudes, white male applicants who manage to pass this hurdle then have 10 years of their social media history carefully investigated in order to root out anyone who has ever shown the slightest sympathy for right-wing politics, which would certainly include any “anti-migrant” sentiment.

The most important qualifier for joining today’s woke POLICE FARCE is “has this person ever made a racist remark online or has he ever shared a racist joke?” 

Obviously its a big FAIL for those who have just ONCE committed this odious capital crime..!   Meanwhile BOX-TICKING BAME applicants – ideally those applicants with BROWN PRIVILEGE – especially Afro-Caribbeans or Muslims – are enthusiastically fast-tracked since by far the most important thing for today’s police FARCE is to ensure that racial quotas are met or even – and back-slappingly better – surpassed..!    

And why employ women in front-line duties which often involve confrontations with male suspects drunk or on drugs, who could turn violent at any time..?  How many women are capable of restraining a male suspect without the assistance of male colleagues..?  Some try to justify this with the facile argument that the mere presence of women police can calm down a heated situation.  Does anyone really believe this..?  And, even if it does occasionally help to have women police in such situations, what about when it doesn’t..?

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Judging by the excessively large number of overweight police, fitness and strength seem not to count in hiring anymore.


A question I’ve always longed to know the answer to is “what % of police time is taken up by traffic offences and other relatively trivial complaints such as – noisy neighbours, domestic disputes, street disturbances, hoax call-outs, etc?”  Not to mention the enormous recent increase in spurious “hate crime” complaints and investigations.

REAL CRIME vs ROAD CRIME – the latter is so much easier to solve..!   

In Oasis Cities, traffic “crimes” will disappear entirely, violent crime will be almost non-existent, and all those relatively trivial “police matters” mentioned above will also be greatly reduced.

This is why I ask “Do we really need a police force?”

The answer, as far as Oasis-Cities are concerned, is an emphatic NO..!