Eco-Activists & Influencers

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Eco-warrior Greta Thunberg, former vice-president Al Gore, movie star Leonardo di Caprio, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, Prince Charles, and zoologist David Attenborough.  

“Influencers” like those above suggest that, if we were all to behave as wholesomely co-operative eco-citizens by making a few rather modest lifestyle changes, the worst climate change projections could be avoided, or at least greatly ameliorated..!  

Such a fallacy was epitomised by Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” which ended with a list of 10 Things You Can Do.  For me, the mind-numbing banal triviality of his advice like “keep your tyres inflated” and “clean your showerhead”  highlighted the futility of ANY actions that mere individuals can do, because even if every single high consumption citizen had adopted Gore’s “10 Things”, it would not have made the slightest dent in the problems the movie highlighted.   

The truth is that, as individuals, there is NOTHING we can do to bring about the ENORMOUS carbon emission reductions which “might” (if we are lucky and/or the projections are wrong) stabilise the climate.