“The gigantism of the car landscape and the consequent urban sprawl are the main obstacles to sustainability.”   Paolo Soleri

Car, eco, ecology, energy, pollution, smoke icon

CARcinogenic consequences

Thousands of Road Deaths
Millions Maimed for life
Poisoning of air, land, and water
Over-consumption of resources
Wildlife destruction
Noise & Disruption
Traffic congestion
Road Rage caused by driver isolation
Power balance – get out of my way..!
OBeCities breed OBESITY

As Buckminster-Fuller said – “you can only improve your model marginally by making small changes. In order to make a really big improvement you have to build a completely new model from scratch”.

In order to make that “new model” – PRIVATE CARS & CITY SPRAWL must go…!

CARS & SPRAWL are symbiotic – get rid of one to get rid of both.


PLAGUE – A disease of medieval cities spread by RATS

SPRAWL – A disease of modern cities spread by CARS

Sprawl leads to the social, environmental, and aesthetic decay of cities

Sprawling Cities = OBeCities..!