Noah’s Ark was a Pyramid..?


The Bible clearly says Noah’s Ark was a boat and even tells us its dimensions and that is was made of “gopher wood”.  However,  and as extraordinary as this may sound, recent highly-sophisticated photographic scanning of some Dead Sea Scroll fragments suggest that it was “pyramid-shaped”, if not indeed an actual pyramid..!   

Strangely, this seems to have been known to some Medieval scholars, for example Maimonides (1138-1204) a Sephardic Jewish philosopher, one of the most influential Torah scholars of the Middle Ages. Even more intriguingly, one of the 10 door panels created by Lorenzo Ghiberti (1378-1455) in the “Doors of Paradise” – as Michelangelo called them – of the Florence Baptistry curiously depicts a number of people and various animals emerging from a door in the side of a pyramid.   The foreground depicts a naked figure – presumably Noah himself – lying next to a large wine barrel with its lid off.   

A mysterious door panel from the Baptistry in Florence


Dead Sea Scroll scan suggests Noah’s Ark ‘was Great Pyramid of Giza ...