An Oasis City for Singapore – a match made in heaven…

The world needs many more Singapores – Oasis-Cities can make that a reality..!

Unlike Hong Kong, with which it is often compared, Singapore is low-lying and lacks HK’s impressive natural harbour over-looked by craggy mountains.   Lee Kuan Yew was well aware of this national short-coming so, back in 1964, the “Merlion” was invented and adopted by the then newly independent state as a national mascot.   

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Merlion statue (1972) in its original location at the mouth of the Singapore River

The Most Iconic Landmarks in Singapore - Akbar Travels Blog

Since 2010, the iconic Marina Bay Sands Hotel – with its triple towers and “skateboard” roof terrace – has joined the Merlion as symbols of Singapore.   A pyramidal Oasis City could easily top and replace both these national icons.

BUILD IT….then watch the world PAY to come and see it…! 

Exhibit City
A Singapore prototype would become a tourist magnet attracting thousands of day visitors and many will want to stay-over in the apex hotel

An OA-City show city will clearly demonstrate to the world the possibility and practicability of being able to live healthier, friendlier, safer, and more rewarding lives whilst CONSUMING FAR FEWER RESOURCES.  Millions of people will want to come and see and experience such a place for themselves, and THEY WILL HAPPILY PAY FOR THE PRIVILEGE..!


Visitor income potential
In 2019 Singapore had 19 million international visitors (about 52,000 per day).  If just 1 in 10 were to visit an OASIS-CITY SHOW CITY – plus an equal number of local Singaporeans – it could attract as many as 10,000 visitors a day.   That is not so many when you consider that (before covid) the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona drew in over 12,000 visitors per day, each one paying up to €30 (SGD 40).  This in a far smaller building which, imo, can be “done” in under an hour. An OA-City entry fee of SGD 40 would bring in SGD400,000 (c.USD300,000) per day – not to mention all the additional expenditure in shops, hotels, restaurants, etc.

The Interlace, Singapore [2048x1128] : r/ArchitecturePorn

“The Interlace” – almost an arcology

See the source image

Singapore is a world-leader in “green-wall” Biophilic architecture

Given my hope that OA-Cities facilitate the establishment of politically-autonomous “charter cities”, the choice of authoritarian Singapore as the ideal venue for hosting an “exhibit city” might seem strange since Singapore would never contemplate any ethnically or religiously-exclusive enclave on its territory.  And most certainly no “intentional communities” such as a “Gay City” or a “Cannabis City”..!  (although, given their discouragement of alcohol through high taxes, they might look kindly on an alcohol-free city..!)

This is to miss the point.   I have chosen Singapore due to its well deserved reputation as an impressively clean, green, safe, and well-ordered place – the very attributes that would be exemplified and magnified in Oasis Cities.  As one of the worlds leading airline hubs, with one of the best airports in the world, its many beautiful hotels set amidst lush greenery, SINGAPORE is a magnet for international business and tourism.  Additionally, its compact size and excellent public transport makes it the perfect location for showcasing a prototype Oasis City.  

I am not proposing a sterile exhibit but a fully lived-in city designed to showcase the myriad advantages of the OA-City concept.   Straight-laced Singapore being what it is, the focus would be mostly on the environmental benefits of OA-Cities rather than its more controversial social and political possibilities.    

Some reasons why Singapore might want to host – even subsidise – an OA-City.

    • surrounded by lush tropical foliage, the sort of exotic gardens that Singapore is justly famous for.   
    • would further promote and emphasise Singapore’s well-known commitment to beautifying both the landscape and the built environment.
    • Singapore strongly discourages car ownership – via strict licensing rules and very heavy taxes – like no other city/country that I know of.  OA-Cities go a sensible step further by creating a city-scape where cars are totally un-necessary.  
    • an OA-City “show city” would promote ecology, renewable energy, self-sufficiency, low-energy use, water harvesting, nudging 100% recycling, and low resource consumption and minimisation of waste in general. 
    • Singapore’s compactness and good public transport infrastructure will encourage many local and  international visitors.  
    • a highly-visible and identifiable new promotional icon for the city-state. 

Even “the world’s most modern city”, as it justifiably markets itself, cannot rest on its laurels.  What better way to stay ahead of the game than being the first to host an OΔsis City..?  

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