Cruise ship analogy


Would Oasis-Cities be dystopian over-crowded “human hives”, as the naysayers would paint them?  So why do so many people pay large sums of money to holiday on one of the ever-growing fleet of enormous cruise ships, which have an effective population-density about 10x greater? 

A curmudgeon might opine “cruise-ships are OK for short holidays, but I wouldn’t want to live for years cooped-up in a crowded small space”. 

But what if you could get a cleverly-designed 50m2 apartment for just £600 a month – for which on a cruise-ship you might expect to pay that per day..?” And – instead of staring out at an empty sea you would have a panoramic view of lush gardens, woodland, and the sound of birdlife.  OA-cities will be MUCH MORE LIVEABLE and unquestionably more useful than frivolous floating holiday vessels.

My larger point is this – if we can build 3D floating vessels for 8000 people, why can’t we build 3D city modules for 8000 people on land?