Host countries would benefit


Maybe for the same reason they beckon tourists to visit their countries and encourage foreigners to “invest” in fancy property and even to buy citizenship..?  

All countries, rich and poor, want foreign investment but the poor need it more.  A good source of extra income for many countries lies in encouraging foreigners to buy residential property, known euphemistically as “2nd homes”.  But many countries – notably several Caribbean island states (e.g.,Grenada) – go further than merely selling 2nd homes, they also sell “2nd passports” (ie, citizenship) to wealthy foreigners, most of them white people.  So its not as if they don’t want white people living in their countries – they do up to a point, but only as long as they bring fat wallets with them.      

There are many benefits to be gained by a poor host country having a 1st world enclave – a “colony” in effect – on its territory.   Many westerners who lead a comfortable life are imbued with a deep sense of guilt (imo, unjustified) about past colonialist “exploitation”.   Perhaps as atonement for their “sin” of having being born with so-called “white privilege” in a rich country, they are very eager to help poor people in poor countries.  This is generally achieved by donating money to one of the many charity organisations, like Oxfam or “Save the Children”, etc.   However, there is justified suspicion that much of the money thus donated is lost in the system and besides – giving money to an agency is less emotionally satisfying than actually helping individuals directly.  Some people thus decide to “sponsor” a specific child by sending money directly to that child’s family, or perhaps financing its education.    But this always seems rather unfair to me – I mean, how is that lucky child chosen from all the others, and why should he/she be singled out for help..?  And what happens to that child if, for any number of reasons, the sponsor later decides to back out? Or does the sponsor have to commit for 10 years or so? Still others – celebrities notably – go further and adopt black children and bring them to the UK, or other rich white country.  But how does that end up without constantly throwing money at the adoptee to prevent him/her failing and/or falling into crime?  And how does it help their country of origin?  It doesn’t – its a virtue-signalling cop-out..!

Sanctuary Cities
OΔCities could totally revolutionise the political landscape with confederations of OΔsis-City States replacing Nation States.  Being virtual islands – and thus defensible to a degree – these would have a much better chance of surviving the coming turmoil and could perhaps become sanctuaries of western civilisation, rather as the monasteries preserved the light and legacy of Classical civilisation during the Mediaeval Dark Age. 


During the Vietnam War many young Americans, rather than being drafted into the military, opted to join the Peace Corps instead.  The famous travel writer Paul Theroux, who taught at a bush school in Malawi for a few years in the mid-’60’s was one such.   When he returned 40 years later and wrote “Dark Star Safari” he was very critical with the lack of progress and general squalor and corruption in independent Africa.  He especially hated African cities saying “as soon as I enter an African city I want to leave”.  

These days many idealistic young westerners, partly for adventure but mainly for humanitarian reasons, go and work for charity organisations in poor countries (usually in Africa) for a period of time.  A small handful of these stay on for some years, but living conditions in such places can be pretty rough so most such volunteers only stay for a few months and soon return citing “career or family reasons”, but also probably because they simply couldn’t tolerate the squalid living conditions any longer.  

A number of white people with medical or other much-needed skills have been known to go to Africa and perform their work for free – despite having to live in rather primitive and difficult conditions when compared to their lives in the west.  One such was the Australian eye surgeon Fred Hollows, who lived for some years in Ethiopia where he performed thousands of free cataract operations.  But these are rare exceptions because generally conditions are too primitive and it is often dangerous to live in such countries as many have learnt to their cost.

George and Joy Adamson, made famous by the movie “Born Free”, were both murdered in Kenya in separate incidents.   Diane Fossey, the “gorilla woman”, was also murdered – by people she thought she could trust. Just a few months after Michael Palin’s visit in “Pole to Pole”  John Harvey and his wife were murdered in their colonial “Shiwa Ngandu Manor” (“The Africa House”)  despite, or perhaps because of, being involved in many projects helping the local black community.   What I am saying is that it is pretty rough living – and often risky – to live in such countries for any length of time. So, although many westerners would love help “poor people in Africa”, most just donate a bit here and there and only a tiny minority take the plunge and go to live amongst the people they want to help.    

OΔCities in 3rd world countries would enable westerners with a humanitarian urge – whether they be Farmers, Doctors, Teachers, or Engineers, etc – to donate their skills whilst being able to live SAFELY in a 1st world environment.