Why England…?

Beautiful English countryside in spring, Lake District, Cumbria, England, UK. Stock Photo - 75615800

Endangered Spaces – aside from a few islands and mini-states, England is arguably the most densely-populated and most built-over country on the planet.  


So why am I writing this from a British perspective..? 

Do I think that the UK – and England specifically – will embrace the Oasis-City concept with enormous enthusiasm and lead the world into a new urban paradigm based on pyramidal eco-cities?  


Aside from being the archetypal NIMBY NATION, England – with its very strict building regulations, especially on virgin land – is quite possibly the LEAST likely country to adopt Oasis Cities.  Even if building regs were changed to permit Oasis Cities (highly unlikely except maybe for brownfield sites) – an army of earnest Nimby’s would forge an unholy alliance with the likes of “Extinction Rebellion” (XR) – and other eco-loonies – to campaign tooth-and-nail against their own BEST INTERESTS – since OA-cities would occupy 90% LESS LAND per capita than “traditional” sprawl housing..! Furthermore, with 30-40% of each site reserved for a delightful domain of woodland and ornamental lakes, etc, they would not only beautify the landscape but offer safe sanctuary for birds and small mammals.  

I have chosen England as my default reference simply because it is the country with which I am most familiar.  It is also worth reminding that it is to England – not Scotland or Wales – where the population pressure is greatest and to where most migrants are headed..!  

Most of England’s political, social, economic and environmental problems are due to over-population – not just of people but millions of motor vehicles – the combination of which creates SPRAWL.

OA-Cities cannot solve over-population but, by eliminating the need for autos and roads – and by simplifying superfluous and wasteful infrastructure – they would eradicate URBAN SPRAWL which, aside from its ugliness and inefficiency, gives rise to many negative social pathologies.      

Vote-prostituting politicians – always with an eye on the “youth vote” – constantly bleat about “solving the housing crisis”, by which they mean doubling or tripling the annual rate of home-building.   Which, were they all built in one place, would mean the equivalent of another Birmingham every 2/3 years.  Unfortunately, we don’t see it happening because these “Birminghams” are not built in one place but are distributed piecemeal all over the country.  But if you add up all those piece-meal “developments” it equates to a new big city every year, and thus the stealth ruination of England’s emblematic “green and pleasant land” – burying the landscape beneath vast acreages of un-imaginative sprawl housing estates. 

OA-Cities would save enormous tracts of countryside from unattractive low-medium density “matchbox” housing and endless “road-improvement” schemes.  OA-Cities will also greatly enhance the landscape since each iconic structure will be encircled by beautiful woods and parkland.    

Especially seriously for an island, England critically lacks self-sufficiency – and therefore national security – in almost every key area.

OA-Cities will target at least 90% self-sufficiency in the 3 essentials for civilised life – WATER, POWER, and FOOD.  

England is becoming ever more crowded relative to the rest of the UK

Housing costs in England are absurdly high due to the national obsession with home ownershipepitomised by the manic “housing ladder” scramble, thus inflating the cost of everything else.

Ideally OA-Cities will be built and run by co-operatives, or some other kind of non-profit organisation. Apartments would not be sold but leased at affordable rents.  It may take a few decades but, once OA-Cities become an established feature of the “housing market”, conventional housing – and conventional cities – will fall out of favour and come to be regarded as obsolete as type-writers.  This will lead to a steep and continuing decline in the value of conventional housing and, once that happens, the “housing ladder” obsession will gratefully disappear.         

England’s overly-generous raft of taxpayer-funded freebies – housing benefit, “job-seekers” benefit, income support, council-tax benefit, “disability” pensions, invalid care allowance, winter fuel grants, single-mother grants, free bus passes, and last but not least the sacrosanct NHS (National Health Service).  Its bad enough that all this free-stuff these benefits are being widely abused but – WORSE – they are also acting as an irresistible magnet for hordes of parasitical 3rd world bogus “refugees” to an already overcrowded island.   The cost of these benefits – both in absolute and % terms – is inflating much faster than the economy is growing – or can ever be expected to grow.  

Finally, in contemporary England (as in other “Western countries”), there is far too much emphasis on “rights” and almost no emphasis on “responsibilities”.    OA-CITIES can and will fix this too..! 

OΔCities would enable England to solve all its most pressing problems – ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT, ECONOMIC, FOOD INSECURITY, SOCIAL and POLITICAL. 




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