Climate Change – a leftist plot..?

Arctic sea-ice decline
“CC deniers” divide into 2 groups – the 1st group agree that GW/CC is a reality, but stubbornly cling to the claim/hope it is not man-made but simply another periodic climatic fluctuation such as the “Little Ice Age” of the 1600’s-1800’s when the Thames sometimes froze over – or the Medieval warm period when England was a significant wine producer.
The 2nd, more hard-core group, simply reject CC out of hand seemingly on the basis that, because the CC “theory” is mostly promoted by greenies and other leftists, then it must be wrong – because lefties are ALWAYS WRONG..!
But, even a blind chicken will occasionally find the corn..!
On this particular issue – if not on others – I think the LEFT are RIGHT, if you get my drift. For the simple, if unscientific, reasoning that it is arrogant – if not stubbornly stupid – to blindly assume we can continue ejecting billions of tons of pollutants into the atmosphere every year and not expect the climate to “sneeze”, in a manner of speaking..!
But, in the event that I am wrong and the “deniers” are right, it doesn’t matter because…..
if CC is happening (for whatever reason) then – whether warming and flooding or cooling and snow-storms – we would all be much safer if sheltered in OΔcities
If CC is not happening then it still makes sense to live in OΔcities – they are simply a much better and safer home for many reasons, as this website makes apparent ..
OΔcities are a win-win concept..!
Much of what I have written displays my concern for the environment and “saving the planet”, something which many rightists consider to be a “leftist” fetish. I have little in common with “Greens”, especially those likened to “Watermelons – green on the outside but red inside”. The fact that OΔcities are also “Eco-Cities” puts me at odds with those who think that the whole “Global Warming” issue is some kind of leftist plot to suck more taxes from white people and to extract “reparations”. The fact that the “Global Warming” (GW) designation has been quietly re-branded as the more ambiguous “Climate Change” (CC) has only confirmed such conspiratorial suspicions.
OΔcities will embody many socialistic ideals – for example, a more egalitarian society, one where the rich will have far fewer opportunities to display their wealth and status, since there will be no big mansions or private cars and apartments will be smallish and outwardly similar. Citizens may also have to donate some of their new-found free time to Community Assistance – a benign form of “National Service”. Despite, or perhaps because of, such egalitarian concepts, many leftists will ironically vilify my ideas as “Fascist” inspired..!
Autonomous City States are the premise and promise of OΔcities
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