Whilst we have this massive debate about “saving the planet”, is it not strange that nobody is pointing the finger at the role of sprawl and its facilitator-in-chief, privately-owned motor vehicles..?
Whilst we have this massive debate about “saving the planet”, is it not strange that nobody is pointing the finger at the role of sprawl and its facilitator-in-chief, privately-owned motor vehicles..?
PLAGUE – a disease of medieval cities spread by RATS and their parasitic fleas
SPRAWL – a disease of modern cities spread by CARS and their parasitic infrastructural demands
SPRAWL leads to the social, environmental, and aesthetic decay of cities
We would ALL be better-off without any of this…
Road rage
Power balance – get out of my way..!
Deaths and maiming for life
Wildlife destruction
Noise & fumes
Traffic congestion
White Vans
Driver isolation
Poisoning of air, land, and water
Resource consumption
CARS & SPRAWL are symbiotic – get rid of one to get rid of both.
CARS & SPRAWL are symbiotic – get rid of one to get rid of both.
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