Pyramid Power bed frame
IS PYRAMID POWER FOR REAL..? Some readers might assume that my advocation of pyramids as the ideal form for human habitats is based on the esoteric theory that the very shape endows them with magical rejuvenating powers, and that this mysterious power will enhance the physical and mental health of their occupants, preserve fruit, sharpen blunt razor blades, turn cheap plonk into fine wine, and other new-age hocus pocus. Belief in “Pyramid Power” was very much in vogue at “the dawning of the Age of Aquarius” (as per the 1969 hit song). Although Oasis Cities will certainly improve health and well-being, the pyramidal shape per se will probably not be the magical cause, but hey we can always hope..! Because, as improbable as the PP theory is, it has never been scientifically tested since no statistically significant groups of people have ever lived in a pyramid for any length of time, so there is no “well-being” data for comparison with the general population. So, until we have had a significant sample of people who have lived in pyramids for a number of years, the theory cannot be totally refuted.
The long answer said, the short answer is far more mundane…
Pyramids ARE simply the BEST..! They are the optimum shape for very large human habitats
PYRAMIDS ARE STRUCTURALLY SUPERIOR Vertical-walled buildings are a constant challenge to gravity and other natural forces like wind, rain and even earthquakes..! Sloping triangular walls leaning against and supporting each other greatly reduces gravitational forces. A pyramid’s base area is large in proportion to its height and volume, thus permitting shallower foundations and a lighter structural frame than a vertical-walled building. This should result in lower construction costs.
So why is the Luxor Casino Hotel in Las Vegas (1993) still almost the ONLY one of its kind?
Oasis-Cities will bestow benefits which could be considered a form of “Pyramid Power”
- Pyramids are aesthetically attractive, as they resemble mountains
- OAeCities will visually enhance the landscape and environment
- OBeCities despoil the landscape and environment
- Panoramic views – Everyone will enjoy “million-dollar views” from their home.
- Biophilic effect – beautiful vistas, especially trees, are psychologically beneficial
- Highly effective Rainfall collectors – without the seepage loss of mountains
- Highly effective Solar collectors – inclined walls are optimal for PV arrays
- Over-shadowing greatly reduced, whereas tower blocks obstruct light and views
- Privacy – modules at least 500m apart, so you won’t be peering into neighbours
- Terraced (stepped-back) design facilitates generously-sized patios
- Structurally safe – resistant to earthquakes, storms, floods, and FIRE (see below)
- Enormous tropical-look atriums within the spacious interior
- LONGEVITY – built to last centuries rather than the decades of most buildings
- this is just a small sample, many more advantages are listed HERE
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