Can the Birth Dearth be reversed?
What is the cause of declining fertility in high IQ “Western” and “Far-Eastern” countries? Is it due to declining sperm rates? Could that be due to tight underpants? Is it plastic in the environment? Could it be stress? Or is there “something in the water”? (fluoridation is often cited).
In Oasis Cities children will be happier and healthier and better-adjusted. With none of the absurdity of the “school run” and safe to play and roam unsupervised, children will be much less burdensome for their parents, which could encourage higher fertility

Everything below the dotted-line means population decline
It is a foreboding tragedy for all of humankind that the white European-origin (Europid) race is in rapid numerical decline, especially in comparison with lower-IQ so-called “people of colour”. In “Human Accomplishment” (2003) Charles Murray convincingly showed that Europid contribution to culture, art, science, philosophy, societal structures, and civilisation in general, overwhelmingly exceeds all other races/cultures combined. IT IS NOT EVEN CLOSE..! Although Murray did not give a figure it can be inferred from the book that at least 95% of contemporary “civilisation” is the direct legacy of what lefties (and resentful POC) sneeringly call DWEM’s (Dead White European Males).
Physical appearance may be subjective but – whilst 90% of humanity are (in varying degrees) dark haired, dark-eyed, and dark-skinned – Europid variety in hair and eye colour, hair texture, etc, is not only unique but also, by most aesthetic standards, more attractive. Surveys have shown that young white females – esp. if blonde and blue-eyed – are consistently rated as most attractive, even by most non-whites, a fact regularly reinforced by the results of International Beauty Contests.
Western women have opted to put careers, travel, lifestyle, etc., before children and so, for the first time in history, we are no longer replacing ourselves. Many have opted out of procreation altogether, especially in densely-populated Europe where the fertility rate has fallen well below 1.5 children – many of which are born to low IQ “single mothers” living on benefits. I am not suggesting we should return to the large families of yesteryear, as that would be both undesirable and impractical. An increase in the fertility rate to around 1.8 would still mean a declining population but it would be much more gradual and manageable.
Some of the possible causes of the low fertility syndrome are…..
- Financial priorities (mortgage, cars, holidays, etc) force both partners to have full-time jobs
- Tiredness and stress after a long day at work plus commuting, then still having to do shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc, etc.
- High cost of private childcare
- Grandparents – the unpaid child-carers of yore – no longer live in the same home, or the same neighbourhood, or even the same country.
- High cost of education, housing, mortgage, car running costs, etc.
- Self-indulgence, hedonism and “luxury fever” (the fashion/addiction to copying celebrity lifestyles),
- Desire for overseas travel “whilst we are still young enough to enjoy it”
- Selfishness and the single unattached lifestyle
- all these reasons and more are causing many women to delay having children until their mid or late 30’s

OACities would finesse many of the factors that mitigate against or cause delay in having children
Couples will have more spending money once freed of the “need” for “his and hers” cars and mortgage payments.
Lower living costs will make it un-necessary for both partners to have full-time jobs
The stress and time wasting of commuting, the school run, and the hectic weekly supermarket buy-up, will be just a bad memory
Affordable cooperatively-run childcare centres, partially staffed by community assisters
Weekday “Sleepover Schools” will keep the little brats out of your hair – the extra privacy might even “light some fires”..!
- Reduce the desire for overseas holidays, very awkward anyway with young children in tow
- Grandparents – the ideal child-carers of yore – could more easily live nearby
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