The ultimate agenda of those who whine about “white privilege” and “racism” is the destruction of white civilisation. If not outright genocide their inmost desire is to dilute the genes of the unfairly accomplished white race by miscegenation. Can it be co-incidental that almost every “successful” black male has a white female trophy, or at least one much lighter skinned than he..? If they didn’t keep telling us that “black is beautiful”, you might think they don’t believe their own propaganda. If you don’t believe any of this then you obviously haven’t paid attention to the “Melting Pot” lyrics by Blue Mink.
“Take a pinch of white man, wrap him up in black skin, add a touch of blue blood, and a little bitty bit of Red Indian boy. Curly Latin kinkies, mixed with yellow Chinkees, if you lump it all together well, you got a recipe for a get along scene.
Oh, what a beautiful dream, if it could only come true…
What we need is a great big melting pot – big enough to take the world and all it’s got – keep it stirring for a hundred years or more turning out coffee colored people by the score….”

Totally lacking in diversity, yet full of elegance and beauty….
A Mindless Multi-Cultopian Melting-Pot
In the space of a few decades the British (and other W. Europeans) have seen their countries and peoples stirred into a Multi-Cultopian melting-pot, the ultimate and true purpose of which can only be to mongrelise indigenous white Europeans into a brownish race. This wish must based on the myth that “black people cannot be racist”, and so if everyone were “black” (or blackish) the world would be a far better place as there would be no more racism, as patently absurd as it sounds. Naive is not nearly a strong enough word for this utterly mindless leftist fantasy. What it will most certainly achieve = and the left really wants this – is a lowering of the European group IQ, thus preventing future generations from achieving those amazing (but highly embarrassing to PoC) achievements. Nothing – NOTHING one could imagine – could be a more noble and worthy objective than wiping out the race which is the root cause of all the worlds problems.
‘Diversity’ is one of the great mantras of our age. Like ‘equality’, it is set up to be impossible to oppose. Douglas Murray
Despite being governed by the allegedly ideal system of “democracy”, the British (and other West Europeans) have had this poisoned chalice imposed on them by pure stealth and wickedness, as surely nobody in their right mind believes the farcical lie that “Diversity is a strength”, let alone “OUR GREATEST STRENGTH”. The voting masses – as easily led as they often are – would NEVER have voted for such a foolish thing, as the political elites well knew. Thus proving how irrelevant our so-called “democracy” is, if it could be so easily be manipulated and subverted by smugly sanctimonious “progressive” elites to achieve unwanted outcomes in such a dictatorial fashion. Even those claiming to be “conservative” are so desperate to be seen as “anti-racist” – and thus as morally-superior “good-whites” – they have deluded themselves into believing the deceitful baloney that a racially diverse society is not just “culturally enriching”, but even “A great national strength”..! This is especially true of the youth who have been deeply indoctrinated by an “education” system which, in the same time-frame, has become totally dominated be far-leftist WOKE ideology.
If this is not totalitarianism, then what is?
The silent – effectively SILENCED – majority suffer all this due to complacency – and because their lives are easy – and knowing there are severe penalties for speaking out against this all-powerful diversity cult. Those who DO have the courage to speak out are immediately branded as ignorant “bigots”, “racists” or islamophobes”, and are quickly silenced by being fired from their jobs and having their careers destroyed – especially if they are government employees, e.g.., police, or even health workers..! Meanwhile – in case we haven’t got the message – a diversity-worshipping media, fronted by increasingly diverse hosts and presenters, deluges us with a relentless stream of “diverse” content and advertising images of mixed-race couples who, non-coincidentally (because young white women are easily influenced by “fashion” trends), are almost invariably of the black male/white female variety. Such images are force-fed us by an ever-growing army of dark-skinned newsreaders and celebrities “celebrating” a Multi-Cultopian “diversity” – and their victory over “white privilege” – that anyone in their right mind must know to be a fantasy delusion. For all intents and purposes we are hostages, imprisoned in a cultural-marxist social engineering EXPERIMENT that will only end when Western Civilisation has been TOTALLY ANNIHILATED. And that end, my friends, is the ultimate objective – I know that sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory, but how else can one explain such culturally-suicidal tendencies..?

So what has this got to do with Oasis-Cities..?
OA-Cities will simply be homes writ large, so the founders of each and every OA-City will be free to establish their own preferences as to which type of person they would prefer to admit and which they would prefer not to admit, just as we all do in our own homes. This does NOT mean that OA-Cities will inevitably be “whites-only” or “blacks only” or “any others only” communities, although they should be free to do so if that is their citizens wish. Ideally, aspiring OA-citizens should be vetted by a rotational panel composed of well-established OA-citizens (e.g., those with 3 yrs or more residence). It may be the case that some panel members might be “racists” determined to reject every PoC applicant regardless of their suitability, but I think that is unlikely and anyway they will surely be outnumbered by the more open-minded. But this is why it would be much better that any “immigration panel” be a rotational, as opposed to a fixed one, so that the panel as a whole could not be accused of bias.
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