@ Education Reformation
The lyrics of “Another Brick in the Wall” (by “The Who”) is a METAPHOR for how the youth and western society in general has been abased by decadence and degeneracy
- Its a well-known fact that some European (and East Asian) countries have adopted educational systems which produce much better results than Britain’s rigid “one-size-fits-all” national curriculum. You would think that Britain would learn from these (mostly small) countries and copy them. But, in a country like Britain with a large and “diverse” population, many innovative ideas – whether in education or society in general – are considered too politically risky to implement on a nationwide scale. Any proposed changes run into shrill opposition from vociferous pressure-groups or are implemented (if they are) at an over-cautious snails pace.
- Many recent surveys have shown that most young English people are totally indifferent about their history and culture and cannot think of any reason to be proud of their country. Meanwhile, youth in non-white countries have immense pride in the most trivial of national “achievements”, like winning a sporting event. Or even – perhaps especially – when their most admired “heroes” were genocidal tyrants (e.g. Shaka Zulu or Genghis Khan or Mao Tse Tung).
- Anyone with a half decent grasp of history – AND common-sense (obviously this excludes far-leftist SJW’s, “Corbynistas”, or some grudge-bearing former colonial subjects) – should have the good grace – and the basic honesty – to acknowledge that Britain has achieved more, and done more good deeds for humanity than any other nation in history. So, if British people cannot be proud of their deeds and achievements, then how could any country be proud of their (relatively-speaking) insignificant ones..? How could such self-loathing, self-abnegating apathy become so ingrained in Britain, and England in particular? It is, of course, the end result of decades of pernicious leftist indoctrination – with their insidious promotion of “diversity” and “multiculturalism” – festering in our state schools. Which are claimed, with absolutely zero evidence, to instil some form of magical “cultural-enrichment”. As if we needed it – except arguably for food – OK, so just teach us some recipes and leave – its not necessary to import millions of extended families along with the recipes..! And the “cult of equality” is now taught as a state religion. Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth” exists and wields enormous state and media power.
- “Multiculturalism” leads inexorably to the situation whereby our “ethnic enrichers” can demand that any of Britain’s national heroes that “offend” their sensibilities can be denigrated as “pale, male, and stale” racists and further trivialised and ridiculed as DWEM’s (Dead White European Males). Also that all our mostly well-intentioned overseas explorations and colonial ventures can be portrayed as malicious “exploitation” and “plunder” and increasingly as “genocide”..! It seems that any and every event (and personage) of our long and proud history are to be thrown in the dustbin of history if, by so doing, we can save our precious entitled enricher class from being – horror of horrors – “OFFENDED”..! For the last 50 years or more our children have been indoctrinated with misleading and untruthful leftist mantras such as “every culture is equal, none is better than another”, or “diversity is a great strength”, and “Islam is a religion of peace..!” Such obvious LIES – taught early and constantly reinforced by a spineless toadying media – have so befuddled the pliable minds of our young (and even not so young) people that many remain in a state of submission all their lives – going down on their knees for BLMMM and shamefully apologising for the alleged sins of their forbears. Hence, according to one such survey “most young English people are indifferent about their history and culture and cannot think of any reason to be proud of their country”. The “Long March Through the Institutions” is all but complete..!
OACities can be the means by which to restore the sanity of our future generations
OACities can be the means by which to restore the sanity of our future generations
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