A coming dark age..?
By 2050, possibly sooner, Western civilisation may have succumbed to all the insidious and nefarious forces which, by then, will have been poisoning its roots for 80 years or more. Before the final collapse, sprawling, borderless OB-cities like Chicago, New York, London, and Paris will have descended into the anarchic chaos of present-day Baghdad or Kabul, with murderous home invasions and terrorist bombings against pubs and restaurants, and other places of entertainment, happening as daily events.
The fortunate few who, hopefully by then, will be living in the safety of OA-cities will be much better positioned to ride out the turmoil, although they may have to defend their cities against mob attacks.
Incorporating SELF-SUFFICIENCY and DEFENSIBILITY, OA-cities may be able to survive the coming anarchy and could be instrumental in preserving the light of civilisation, in much the same way as Monasteries in the last dark age.
HollyWEIRD - devious distorters of truth
It is typical of Sci-Fi movies to routinely depict 3D Cities as dystopian nightmarish places, the opposite of the likely reality. Nobody should be surprised since Hollyweird – foremost amongst the nefarious forces mentioned above – has been engaged in turning truth and reality on its head – maliciously distorting history by depicting almost every situation (especially black/white encounters) as the polar opposite to reality.
HollyWEIRD - devious distorters of truth

It is typical of Sci-Fi movies to routinely depict 3D Cities as dystopian nightmarish places, the opposite of the likely reality. Nobody should be surprised since Hollyweird – foremost amongst the nefarious forces mentioned above – has been engaged in turning truth and reality on its head – maliciously distorting history by depicting almost every situation (especially black/white encounters) as the polar opposite to reality.
If anywhere is to become dystopian hell-holes in the future, it will be conventional 2D sprawling OB-cities. Some inner-cities of the US – like Detroit and Baltimore – already are..!
OASIS-CITIES could save WESTERN CIVILISATION from the suicidal self-loathing of “Critical Race Theory” (CRT), the objective of which is to denigrate EVERY accomplishment of the West whilst elevating societies “of colour” to magical heights with mindless cult-worship of so-called “indigenous knowledge”. These “Multi-Cultopian” fantasies are relentlessly drilled into the soft-headed minds of easily influenced youth by far-leftist progressive “educators” – aka “useful idiots” – who in recent decades have peculiarly established a “woke-ing” and choking stranglehold on “education” and “academia”.
As George Orwell perceptively remarked…
“some ideas are so absurd that only intellectuals profess to believe them”.
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