Starting Anew
Oasis Cities will enter life afresh, as we all do at birth, with a clean slate. They will be free of the suffocating mass of bureauCRAZY sludge in which large populous countries are mired. Despite the many advantages of doing so, it will not be easy to convince a potential host country to adopt a “Free City” and thus surrender control over a small part of their territory. But once one has summoned up the courage to break the nationalistic mental log-jam it will give the green light for others to follow the trend. Highly authoritarian countries like China or Russia of course could never contemplate any loss of control over even the tiniest sliver of their territory (viz. Hong Kong). They may well build 3-D Cities but, without a shred of political autonomy, these will not be true “3rd Millennium Cities”. The European Union may behave similarly.
Starting with a clean slate avoids having to fight years of tiring and long-winded political battles trying to abolish all the frivolous government-funded agencies and bureaucratic institutions which currently burden all the leading countries. For example the sheer stupidity and divisiveness of government and media jobs awarded by quota according to Race, Gender, Sexual-orientation, Physical handicaps, etc. And don’t get me started – as I already have, lol – on the parasitical “race-relations” and “human-rights” industries which enable sanctimonious leftist commissars to promote mass 3rd-world immigration and influxes of fake “refugees” who are swiftly rewarded with sanctuary citizenship and a vote they do not deserve, with which to further empower the leftist political movements which patronises and supports them.
All such unaccountable parasitical political agencies, which thrive in bloated bureaucracies, will have no place in OA-Cities
Of all the things which “Council Tax” (in the UK) pays for, perhaps the biggest portion funds the police. Since the slanderous and morale-shattering “McPherson Report”, police “inter-community relations” (i.e., appeasing non-whites) are considered so all-important that potential recruits (but only those who are white) have to undergo psychological testing designed to “weed-out” any who allegedly harbour “racist opinions”. Even allowing for the fact that the definition of “racism” has been widened enormously from what it originally was – it surely cannot exist in a vacuum, but only where different races (potential victims of racism) are sharing the same space? If that is the case, then in a racially homogenous environment, racism would have no opportunity to “rear its ugly head” and so it should simply be irrelevant..?
And who has not wondered, as I often have – what % of police time, energy, and resources is pre-occupied with the vast range of (often fairly petty) “motoring offences” with which car owners and drivers can fall foul of and be charged and prosecuted..? I don’t have any statistics on this but I suspect that motoring-related offences must occupy as much as 50% of police time. If my guess is correct then, in a city without cars, 50% of police work would simply disappear like the Dodo. And how many more police working hours are involved in trawling through social media looking for “hate crimes” to prosecute..? If we then factor in a (probable) 90% reduction in property and personal crime, OA-Cities may have so little police work (compared to similar-sized “normal” town) that police may be totally un-necessary.
The need for doctors, hospitals, emergency services, etc, will be reduced by as much as 70%. Hospitals and emergency services will need many fewer staff since OA-Cities will have no traffic accidents and physical assaults will be rare. This will be especially the case in the increasingly over-worked accident and emergency (A&E) and trauma units which – thanks to our vibrancy of our “diverse” cities (diversity is a great strength, y’now) – have to deal with a growing plague of “knife-crime”. Aside from all that, OA-citizens will be healthier and less-stressed, so many fewer medical staff will be needed.
Why has the UK in the past 30 years suddenly spawned so many grotesquely obese people, many of them very young? Most other European countries don’t, or not to the same degree. Nobody in their right mind would want to have these lumbering lumps of lard – who so burden the health services – as members of their community. Unless possessed of some highly useful talent – which some probably do – it seems unlikely that many obese people will be selected as OA-city citizens. Would you want them? This may sound harsh, but Obesity is a lifestyle choice – if they were incentivised instead of being patronised, many would do something about their condition.
The wish to gain admission to an OA-City would be a great incentive to shed kilos before the interview.
The physical compactness of OACities will make waste collection far more efficient, much less labour intensive, and much cleaner. And, of course, there would be no need for any heavy and EXPENSIVE TO OPERATE waste-collection vehicles. No lumbering, fume-belching trucks manned by bellowing Berts trundling wheelie-bins, nor the loud thuds, the crashing and tinkling of broken glass, the high-pitched whine of hydraulic rams, finally followed by more thuds as the bins are carelessly dropped in the road as the well-paid yobs and their growling behemoth truck lumbers on its noisy, disruptive, and messy way.
OACities will be virtual zero-waste societies with much more use and emphasis on the old-fashioned RE-USABLE container – rather than allegedly “re-cyclable” containers which mostly end up in landfills. Smaller homes create less waste and what there is will have been carefully sorted and cleaned and graded into re-usable or re-cyclable categories by the residents themselves – in fact this will be an obligation. What is left over can be collected – and quietly so – by a single man with an electric cart. I see this as a job for just one or two men at most, although there will be extra jobs in the re-cycling industry.
Most legal work involves relatively trivial stuff like property transfers, motoring offences, road accidents, divorce, litigation, etc. Since OA-Cities won’t generate much if any demand for such “services”, legal professionals will not be rushing to apply for residence.
Possibly the only publicly-funded organisation that would play a big role in OA-Cities will be parks and gardens, landscaping, and forestry. Yet the cost to the community will be less since much of the regular maintenance could be done by CAP staff or enthusiastic amateur gardeners. Especially dedicated green-fingers could be given the responsibility of maintaining a specific flower bed, for example – with that persons photo displayed on a placard.
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