Universal Basic Income (stub)
When I first heard of UBI – free monthly money for everyone basically – I was naturally sceptical, thinking it to be just another hair-brained socialist idea. Not having delved into its pro’s and con’s, possibly it has some merit. Since it would be sheer madness to implement UBI on a national scale, Oasis Cities would be ideal venues to “road trial” the idea.

UBI is gaining rapid support in 2020 – unsurprisingly..!
Switzerland held a referendum in 2016 which was defeated but as Scotland’s (far left) SNP govt is apparently toying with the idea, caution is required.
this article explains the logic behind the idea
until a country takes the plunge nobody will know if it is a good idea or not.
As with any other radical new idea, it should first be tried on a small scale – a “Pilot Scheme”
Oasis Cities would be ideal places in which to trial it.
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