Moral Dilemma for Lefties..?
exploring the muddled – and troubled – mindset of Wokels..!
“Cognitive dissonance” is the mental gymnastics that occurs when people spout “virtue-signalling” remarks which are clearly contrary to all logic but which project a favourably fashionable moralistic public image of themselves. Inane idiocies like “diversity is a strength” or “Islam is peaceful religion” or “race is a social construct” are parroted like holy mantras.
Women – perhaps because they socialise more than men and, in general, tend to be more mentally unstable – seem particularly prone to cognitive dissonance.

Frantz Fanon was a radical marxist and pan-Africanist – socio-political concepts based largely on falsehoods and self-delusion. Ironic that he should have written these words that would perfectly describe his own state of mind.

Leftists will love everything about Oasis-Cities but, once they realise they will provide a refuge from the left’s totalitarian multi-cultural fantasy, their fragile heads will explode through extreme cognitive dissidence.
Small carbon footprint ✔
High degree of self-sufficiency ✔
Environmental conservation ✔
Saving the countryside from development ✔
Reduction of waste & frivolous consumption ✔
Facilitation of re-cycling and re-using ✔
Narrowing of the wealth gap ✔
No big homes or expensive cars to show-off ✔
100% Renewable energy ✔
100% Water harvesting ✔
Off-grid living ✔
Car Free ✔
Oasis-Cities could even bring about “THE END OF RACISM”, the ultimate leftist wet-dream. Amazingly enough there will be NO RACISM in OA-Cities – but this will come about through voluntary separation and not the way leftists would want – i.e., the legislative stifling of so-called “hate speech” and thought.

Oasis-Cities could even bring about “THE END OF RACISM”, the ultimate leftist wet-dream. Amazingly enough there will be NO RACISM in OA-Cities – but this will come about through voluntary separation and not the way leftists would want – i.e., the legislative stifling of so-called “hate speech” and thought.
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