Why NOT China..?
As a highly disciplined rules-following society with the means and the manpower to build hundreds every year, China would appear ideal for Oasis-Cities. But the Chinese, like all Asian societies – even the otherwise admirable Singapore – lack the spirit of freedom and individualism that only really exists in European-originated societies. So the full potential of OA-Cities – as individualistic self-governing entities – would never be achieved in any Asian society.
Having signed an agreement in 1997 which allowed Hong Kong 50 years of autonomy, China reneged on its promise after less than 25 years. From 2024 Hong-Kongers who advocate independence, or even democracy, face life imprisonment.
PATERNALISTIC and AUTHORITARIAN Asian countries might like the concept in principle, and might build many – but they would NEVER permit any OA-city on their territory to have the slightest degree of political autonomy.
PATERNALISTIC and AUTHORITARIAN Asian countries might like the concept in principle, and might build many – but they would NEVER permit any OA-city on their territory to have the slightest degree of political autonomy.
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