Ancient Pyramids built as homage to a lost civilisation..?

“Man Fears Time – but Time Fears the Pyramids” (Egyptian Proverb) 

Everyone knows of the Egyptian pyramids, especially the famous Giza trio on the outskirts of Cairo, less known is that every ancient civilisation built monumental pyramids, most of which were “stepped” and flat-topped.  The best known are the “ziggurats” of Mesopotamia, those of Mexico and other parts of Central and South America.  The Chinese province of Shaanxi has about 250 which, for some reason, the Chinese government prohibits access to. Ancient cultures of India, Indonesia, and Cambodia built enormous temples with shapes clearly influenced by pyramids.  Less well-known are some small pyramids in the Canary Islands, Sicily, and Mauritius which are intriguingly similar.  Could they have been built by the Phoenicians..?  Recently, through the diligent research of Graham Hancock and other intrepid seekers of lost civilisations, compelling evidence of other, even more ancient pyramids, have been located – some deeply submerged – which could possibly be more than 10,000 years old.    

Why did so many ancient civilisations erect pyramids..?  


The conventional answer is that the ruling classes of those ancient peoples built these giant monuments as tombs in an attempt to live on (or at least be remembered) for eternity.  They therefore needed a structure they hoped would survive for thousands of years, one which natural and human forces could not easily destroy.  As most architects will affirm, the pyramidal design distributes its weight most efficiently and, being stronger and more stable than other shapes, is more likely to survive the rigours of time, storms, earthquakes, etc.  

 And what are we to make of this mysterious Biblical passage….?  

Let us build ourselves a city with a tower that reaches to the heavens…..(Genesis 11)


Survivors of the biblical deluge may have tried to build a city like this…..but why..?


Recently deciphered text from the Dead Sea Scrolls suggests that Noah’s Ark was PYRAMID-shaped..!  Perhaps a pyramid-shaped “boat” or “life-raft”, whatever that might have been.  So lets delve into speculation about another possible reason for this ancient obsession with pyramid-building.  

As I have said before….


The idea of cities composed of countless thousands of mostly mediocre and uninspiring buildings of many different shapes, sizes and purposes – all scattered over a vast ill-defined area, and totally lacking in efficiency, sustainability, self-sufficiency and defensibility – is unworthy of a technologically advanced civilisation.  

Perhaps there were much earlier civilisations, of which no written or physical record survives, that built pyramidal arcologies..!  Plato (c.400 BC) related the legend of Atlantis, having learnt of it via Solon (c.600 BC) who heard it from Egyptian priests.  Atlantis was said to have been submerged in a great cataclysm 9,000 years before Solon’s time, i.e., about 9600BC, which co-incidentally (?) was when sea levels rose dramatically at the end of the last ice age.  Its a very compelling legend which may well be based on fact.   Perhaps the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians found artefacts and written records (copies of copies) since lost, just as modern archaeologists have re-discovered artefacts and records of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia?  Could those much earlier civilisations have been advanced enough to build Pyramidal Cities?   If a great civilisation had existed 12,000 years ago, it would be no surprise if all memory of it – bar a faint glimmer – had been lost by the time of the Old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt which arose 7,000 years later..! It has been said that only about 1% of ancient Greek and Roman writings of just 2000-2500 years ago have survived, which makes one wonder what was in the 99% which has been lost..?   And this loss of knowledge happened despite the (more or less) continuous civilisational thread since then.       

The Ancients may have erected pyramids as a way of memorialising and paying homage to a much admired lost civilisation. 

La Madeleine Church, Paris (1828)

Royal Exchange, London.  By constructing buildings in an ancient, arguably impractical, architectural style we are paying tribute to the great lost Greco-Roman civilisation.


Although a past civilisation based on pyramid cities may never have existed – future pyramidal OA-Cities could preserve our civilisation from both Climate Change AND the relentless – and un-resisted – influx of “barbarians” (euphemistically labelled “refugees”) from 3rd world failed states.  If our erstwhile “leaders” continue naively welcoming, pandering to, and financially supporting fast-breeding low-IQ 3rd world parasites who (at best) resent us and (at worst) despise us, then Western Civilisation is unlikely to survive this century.  











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