@ Unaffordable..?

Could non-wealthy people afford to live in an Oasis City..?  Or will they be only for rich bastards..?  

The ultimate "gated-community"..?
Oasis Cities will look like 5-star resort hotels, so one would assume them to be security-gated refuges where rich folk could ride out the coming anarchy, safe from the rioting, looting and murderous mobs laying waste without.

Wealthy people might not like the idea of living in relatively small “look-alike” apartments in a car-free city, as this would not give them any opportunity to display their wealth.  The rich would prefer to live in big houses with big grounds in a prestige area – perhaps with a (rarely used) swimming pool but with the space to entertain guests and to park their fleet of fancy cars and SUV’s.    

OA-Cities should be no more expensive to build than conventional apartment blocks but, even if not the case, maintenance costs would be much lower due to their much simplified and more efficient infrastructure.

In an ideal world, OA-Cities would be financed and managed by non-profit co-operative-type foundations and the apartments would NOT BE SOLD but LONG-LEASED to its members at affordable rents.  HOWEVER, once the idea “takes-off” there will be such an enormous demand to live in OA-Cities that commercial property developers will want to get in on the action in order to SELL apartments in the time-honoured way (ie, to anyone with the money) for quick capital turnover.  Many would be sold as “investments” and/or as holiday apartments, in which case their absentee owners would be unable, not to say unwilling, to commit to the unpaid community work (CAP) that I believe is the social glue that will enable the cohesive communities and high-trust societies that are the true potential of the concept.   


Most people would assume that such “exotic” edifices would be more costly to build than conventional high-rise.  This may be the case initially, but only because pyramids are rarely built and prototypes always cost more.  Costs will quickly come down once builders become familiar with pyramidal construction techniques.  One could also speculate that, due to their intrinsic strength and stability, a pyramidal building would require a lighter skeleton and shallower foundations than an equivalent-sized “tall box”. 

See the source image

Elevator Bed, aka Ceiling Bed

Even if the construction cost of pyramidal OA-City modules does prove to be more expensive than conventional vertical buildings, their smaller but more efficient living spaces, coupled with much lower energy and resource consumption, would make them much more economical in the long run.  A cleverly designed living space of 50m2, plus an outdoor view patio (with solar-shutters), is adequate for a couple, especially if they incorporate the innovative space-saving ideas of cruising boats and motorised caravans.  Compact living spaces encourages and facilitates conservation, re-cycling, re-using, and “stuff control” – as important for the appearance of your living space as “portion control” is for your body.     

I propose some form of CO-OPERATIVE ventures offering long leases, thus enabling lessees to customise their apartments should they want more luxury.  There should be no need (or financial advantage) for residents to buy their apartments, and there are many good reasons (discussed HERE), why buying is not such a great idea anyway. Living costs will be much lower, thus enabling lower salaries (explained HERE) which will attract employers, some of whom might lease a block of apartments and sub-rent them to their employees.

Other cost-saving advantages of the Oasis Cities concept
1) Standardised and simplified design templates. 2) Modular pre-fab construction techniques, 3) Simplified and much less extensive utilities infrastructure.  4) Land cost (per-dwelling unit) will be reduced by up to 90%.   Finally there is the possibility of utilising volunteer building labour.


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