Why I hate OB-cities

Boarded up and shuttered shops and flats at Symes Avenue Hartcliffe ...


  • I hate cities of thundering freeways, roaring bypasses, spaghetti junctions, brutally bare concrete overpasses, and gloomily dank pedestrian underpasses stinking in equal measure of urine and fear.
  • I hate cities with their untidy chaotic streetscapes littered with poles, bollards, traffic lights, flashing lights, warning signs, direction signs, road-signs, street lights, parking meters, speed-humps, traffic circles, white lines, yellow lines, red lines, broken lines, double lines, zig-zag lines, chequered box junctions, central reservations.
  • I hate cities of endless Car Yards, Strip-malls, Big-Box discount stores, and Franchise Food McShacks, all surrounded by acres of tarmac parking lots and overflowing waste bins.
  • I hate run-down “high-streets” of shuttered shops, take-away food shops, charity shops, nail-bars, and pavements spattered with litter and gum splodges, etc.
  •  I hate cities where my peace is disturbed by screeching tyres, honking horns, maxi-decibel boom boxes, slamming car doors, wailing emergency vehicles, raucous motorbikes, shrill burglar alarms, or home-renovators with noisy drills and hammers.
  • I hate cities where I have to waste hours every day in traffic congested streets in order to get to work or visit friends.
  • I hate cities populated with rough sleepers, foul-mouthed yobbos, and scruffily-dressed slobbos.
  •  I hate cities where I am constantly harassed by beggars, big-issue sellers, assorted touts and drunken louts.
  •  I hate the cheerless role of ‘designated driver’ imposed by breathalyzer-phobia.
  • I hate high walls, razor wire, electric fences, boom gates, or security alarms.
  • I hate communities of absentee-owner holiday homes
  • I hate faceless bureaucrats imposing endless nanny-state regulations