When one feels very strongly about something it is easy to overestimate the number of people who feel the same way, and easy to underestimate the difficulty of converting others to one’s persuasion” 

This is sadly true as my idea has been met with both apathy and indifference.  I live in the hope that I haven’t yet reached the right people because those I have reached seem incapable of seeing the big picture. 

THE NON-COMMITTAL – “sounds like a good idea”, but shows no further interest

THE SELF-CENTRED – “I don’t want to live in Human Hive..!”

THE TOTALLY DISINTERESTED – wandering-eyes syndrome

THE SCORNFUL – “are you a nutcase?”

THE MOCKING challenge – “so when are you going to build it?”

THE ACCUSATORY – “so you want to FORCE everyone to live in those places..?”

THE MORALIST – “how does this help poor people in Africa?”

but, most frequently, simply the DISMISSIVE – “it’ll never happen..!”  

The objections that people DO raise tend to be disappointingly shallow – nit-picking trivialities or self-centred remarks like “I wouldn’t want to live in such a place..!” but without explaining why except some vague reference to not liking crowds.

As it happens I don’t like crowds either – but I am not asking whether YOU would want to live there, I am asking for objective opinions…!    


Perhaps my enthusiasm for this idea is blinding me to some perfectly valid reasons as to why nobody is talking or thinking about the multifarious advantages of modestly-sized Arcologies like Deltapolis.   I am very keen to hear of any substantive objections that I haven’t covered here, so if you can think of any please add them in the comments section.

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