OA-Cities vs OB-Cities – a very unequal contest..!

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The ultimate winning advantage

Warning - some have called this list a FASCIST MANIFESTO..!"
Which is absolute nonsense because a manifesto is a proclamation of POLICY and INTENT, whereas this is simply a list of the many ADVANTAGES and POSSIBILITIES of Oasis-Cities.  Most of the possibilities listed here would be almost impossible to implement in conventional so-called “democracies” where even trivial policy changes (and most of those on the list below are anything but trivial) can only be implemented after lengthy and laborious parliamentary debates.  Even when there is a good level of public support for a major policy change – Brexit springs to mind – there would still be legions of opposers.  In many cases the very MP’s who claimed to represent the majority views of their constituency but then opposed a popular issue, usually citing “moral principles” or “conscience” (code for “I am cleverer than you lot..!”).

The UK’s 2016 “Brexit” referendum was a textbook example of the intense polarisation and divisiveness generated by (near) 50-50 opinion splits. Which, imho, is why such major decisions (e.g., Scottish independence) should be decided by a “super-majority” of at least 60%, if not two-thirds.

How much easier policy-making and decision-making would be if like-minded people were able to choose to live in a place – and political entity – which best suits their personal preferences.  This means being able to choose the sort of people one prefers to associate with and live amongst..!   Many won’t like the idea of having to adhere to rules made by others but, I would ask those same people, “would you allow your guests to do exactly as THEY wish in your own home..?” Or, perhaps more pertinent, “would you admit into your home random people you know nothing about..?”

Freedom of choice ultimately means freedom of association..!

A wealthy individual could even self-finance an Oasis-City – declare it a Principality and declare himself a PRINCE with absolute power over his citizens, or at least veto power..!  As our Prince would be risking his own money he would probably make a better and more honest ruler than an elected leader with a limited term of office.  The primary concern of an elected leader is the over-riding need to make “popular” choices in order to win elections.  Whereas wise decisions, which tend to be unpopular, are election losers.    If you don’t like the idea of being ruled by a rich Prince don’t apply to live in his Oasis City Principality.  But this won’t stop marxist numbskulls protesting against its very existence.

When searching for a good neighbourhood in which to live, we all aspire to finding the ideal community in which we feel a sense of belonging.   The Oasis-City concept means that everyone – even cultural-marxists (wokels) – will be able to find (or create) such a community.   I do, however, suspect that the aforesaid wokels do not want to “live and let live” – they will never be content unless they can “re-educate” the rest of us, by force if necessary – and history shows it does mean by force..!

So, instead of investing all your savings (and future income) in what would probably be a very modest hutch-house – why not invest in an Oasis-City start-up, thus becoming a “founder” with the ability to shape and influence the project from the outset..?   Gather together a group of like-minded people, thrash out a charter agreeable to the other investors, and issue a prospectus for a new city created (as much as possible) “in your own image”..!

O.B-cities are the antithesis of a genuine community because established residents – even those of long-standing – have no control over the changing ethnic composition of their “communities”, and those who cannot afford to move get trapped by falling property values in an often hostile ethnic ghetto.   In OA-cities every aspiring OA-citizen will have to pass muster of a selection board – perhaps a jury-type rotational panel comprised of well-established citizens.  Due to this – and in other ways – the composition of your community is likely to be maintained for many years.


OACities will offer a lot of benefits but, in return, will ask of their citizens what JFK famously asked of his, no doubt to his great disappointment..!

 OA-CITIES have a multitude of OVER-WHELMING ADVANTAGES over OB-CITIES, so its hard to know where to begin when listing them.  So I made this LONG LIST – in no particular order, and which I keep adding to – of all the advantages I can think of, but I am sure there must be MANY MORE..!

This list has grown so much I am now considering whether I should to categorise the topics under the following headlines, the difficulty being that some fall into more than one category…


    • NO traffic racket – e.g., no raucous motorbikes, no boy-racers revving-up, no tyre screeching, no horn honkers, no door slammers, no blaring alarms, no wailing emergency vehicles, etc. 
    • NO endless “road-improvement” schemes,
    • NO noisy & dusty construction sites nearby (modules will be widely separated) 
    • NO public disturbances, e.g., drunken yobs or late-night louts bellowing to the sound of smashing glass, etc.
    • NO sudden loud noises to shock and frighten elderly people 

    • A maximum 10-minute walk to work, shops, school, library, hospital, parks, friends, bars, restaurants, etc..
    • Don’t feel like cooking and washing-up?  Pop into a community canteen for their speciality of the day.
    • There may even be a 24/7 buffet.  (To reduce food wastage, buffet food could be charged by weight).  

    • Become part of a genuine community – one sized “just right”, neither too big or too small
    • Not so many inhabitants that you would be unable to know more than a tiny fraction (as in a city or large town)
    • Nor too few people, like a village of mostly retirees, that you keep bumping into the same people
    • Each community could specialise in a particular skill or product, thus enhancing competition between them
    • Communities would have friendly rivalries, competing against each other in games, quizzes, sports, etc. 

    • Just as on cruise ships and all-inclusive resorts, there will be no need for cash – all payments will be made by presenting a token or a PIN or maybe even just a fingerprint. 
    • Visitors will pay using a stored-value card. 
    • It is also possible that each OA-City (or associated group) will have their OWN CURRENCY  – this would be an interesting experiment and would also be a useful way of establishing the relative success and financial viability of each mini-economy.    

    • Exterior-facing (about 2/3 the total) will have unobstructed panoramic views of gardens, lakes, and woodlands.
    • Interior-facing (about 1/3 the total) will overlook a plant-festooned atrium and the soothing sound of gently cascading water.
    • Views will NEVER be obstructed or overshadowed as OA-City modules would ideally be at least 500m apart.

    • Each OA-City module would have building-integrated solar and wind generating capacity
    • Off-shore wind farms are extremely vulnerable to sabotage by (guess which) rogue states  

    • Natural air-flows could be exploited to cool or warm or humidify or de-humidify the interior as required, via co-ordinated opening/closing of the apex skylight and ventilation shafts at the base. 
    • Pyramidal OA-Cities would be the perfect platforms for such a system.        

    • Only 13% of the UK is woodland, less than almost every other European country.  
    • 30% or more of an OA-City zone could be woodland, and this in a city not the countryside..! 

    • Facilities of the Podium Activity Circuit
    • Walking, jogging, cycling, etc.
    • Tennis and Padel courts, swimming pools, basket-ball, volley-ball, mini-soccer, croquet, lawn bowls, etc. 
    • Outdoor aerobic equipment
    • Fairground-type fun such as crazy golf, etc. (anything quiet)   
    • NO rowdy crowdy spectator sports or land-chomping golf courses..!

    • Grossly overweight people should be shamed – they NEED TO BE SHAMED for their own good..!  
    • I doubt that many, if any, obese people would pass muster of an OA-City admissions panel. 
    • Assuming that all confirmed citizens (i.e., those of 3 years residence or more) are given the right to approve or reject new applicants, would anyone – even those somewhat overweight, as many of us are nowadays – vote in favour of admitting hideously grotesque lumps of lard into their society, especially knowing how much of a burden they would be on the health services?     

    • Being virtual islands OA-Cities could be easily and swiftly isolated if necessary 
    • Airport-style controlled security entry will facilitate testing of incomers.  
    • Each habitat would make its own rules on quarantine, social-distancing, mask-wearing, etc.
    • Enable health comparisons between OA-cities and OB-cities, from which useful conclusions could be drawn

    • NO traffic congestion or parking problems – shops just a short stroll from home 
    • Wheel your supermarket trolley home – YES, right to your door..!     
    • No aggressively speeding WHITE VAN MEN..! 
    • Home Delivery services will be much quicker and easier 
    • No dreary HOLLOWED-OUT “HIGH STREETS” full of tacky, or empty or boarded-up shops.  

    • Parents would have the option of their kids staying-over during weekdays, and only going home at weekends.      
    • Rules would have to be respected – early to bed, early to rise – TV off early, no internet, mobile phones, computer games, etc.  
    • Punctuality, tidiness, domestic chores, eg., washing clothes, ironing, cooking, cleaning up after meals, etc 
    • Welcome weekday breaks (from their hyperactive sprogs) might even encourage couples to have more than just one..!

  • WORKING FROM HOME or, to use its technical term, GOOFING OFF   
    • will be totally un-necessary 

    • OA-Cities would be ideal platforms for trialling innovative ideas in Education and Health-Care (the 2 biggest taxpayer-funded items)
      • or even reforming the otherwise “untouchable” holy cow of DEMOCRACY.
      • White children should be taught to be proud of their history and the achievements of their ancestors, and not taught to hate themselves as is the case in the present far-leftist indoctrination factories laughably known as “government schools”.  
      • OA-Cities might even go full-frontal reactionary by teaching HISTORY and GEOGRAPHY. (On TV quiz programmes these once essential subjects are now the most feared questions, particularly geography – which is odd when people travel so much) 
        • Every child (and adult) should be able to pinpoint countries on a world map, as well as major cities, mountain ranges and rivers, etc.  How difficult can that be?         
    • Any proposed “social engineering” initiatives will be thoroughly debated before being subjected to the vote of all OA-citizens. Radical changes to the constitutional charter could never be imposed against the wishes of the citizenry, unlike the stealth-seeding of millions of 3rd world “Cultural Enrichers”, unilaterally imposed on the British people by an arrogant do-gooder political elite.
    • Good ideas will quickly become apparent, thus providing the host country with the confidence to adopt OA-City-trialled ideas much sooner than would otherwise be the case.  
    • Populous nations – especially those with a highly-centralised govt like the UK (and England specifically) – are usually slow to adopt new ideas, however evidently beneficial, until or unless those ideas have been trialled in smaller, more nimble, nations. Or after years of “expert” studies and laborious parliamentary discussions and debates.
    • OA-Cities could finesse all that tedious bureaucracy just as small countries (like Estonia or Finland) tend to adopt new ideas more nimbly.
    • “Urban Laboratory” might have an Orwellian ring, but such small-scale localised trials would provide a beneficial comparison service to the host nation   

  • EMERGENCY SERVICES with very fast reaction time –
    • No delays caused by road traffic, since there will be no roads, no traffic and no emergency vehicles either..!

  • CHEERS..!
    • Enjoy yourself fully at pubs, clubs, restaurants, or boozy parties..!    
    • Don’t worry about getting tipsy – NOBODY IS DRIVING HOME..! 
    • Imagine – a world without designated drivers – its easy if you try..!

    • Cultivation of land otherwise buried under housing estates, roads, car parks, shopping centres, etc.
    • Farms, orchards, market gardens, etc., all within easy walking distance as common-sense intended…!
    • Instead of being wasted on parking for 3000+ cars, the vast basement spaces could be used for hydroponics  
    • POO-POWER..!   Flush with Pride knowing your No2’s will be converted into fertiliser and fuel…!  
    • CAP – Community-Assistance Pledge – all able-bodied citizens will occasionally “muck-in” on the farm
    • Fruit & veg fresh from the city farm – or grown under lights in the basement (normally wasted on parking).    
    • Food not wastefully trucked hundreds of miles between massive supermarket distribution centres..!
    • Due to climate, etc, not every kind of food can be produced locally, but much could be.  

  • BAD WEATHER OUTSIDE..?  Sit back, look outside, relax and enjoy it..! 
    • Thunderstorms, torrential rain, heavy snow – awesome to behold, but awful to have to go to work in..!  
    • Snug and safely inside – observe the power and majesty of the weather in comfort..!  
    • OA-Citizens will rarely need to venture outdoors in bad weather (excepting those with outdoor jobs)  

    • 60% of people in Britain have problems with neighbours
    • Unruly children, noisy late-night parties, shouting, screaming and fighting, boundary and parking disputes, rubbish-strewn front “gardens”, are among numerous niggling sources of tension. 
    • The sense of belonging to a genuine community (in OA-Cities) will imbue good neighbourliness & mutual respect 
    • Becoming an OΔCitizen means being accepted as a member of a prestigious club or respected organisation.  
    • Oasis Cities will inspire courtesy, good behaviour, good manners, good grooming and mutual TRUST..!  

    • No more untidy-looking streets lined with long rows of cars parked bumper-to-bumper  
    • No more scruffy concreted-over front “gardens” full of junk or old cars in various states of dis-repair
    • No more long rows of untidy over-flowing and smelly wheelie-bins
    • No squatters, no street-sleepers, no pan-handlers, no benefit scroungers, no riff-raff..!  

    • Who wants to live in a non-community of mostly absentee owners..?
    • OΔCitizens may have to spend at least 9 months a year in residence.

  • Note: I am not saying that Gays NEED to be segregated, or even SHOULD be segregated, as some nit-pickers have tried to allege
    • Parents reluctantly accept the fact when they first realise that their child is homosexual, but they would not celebrate it since it is not a desirable outcome.  Autistic people don’t “celebrate” their autism by holding autistic-pride parades.  Why should “gays” be so special?   
    • Gays wishing to publicly celebrate “pride” in their “lifestyle” would be free to do so in their own communities 
    • OA-Cities would enable exclusively Gay communities, safely segregated from “homophobes” 
    • Where they could kiss, cuddle and cavort in public without discomforting others 
    • Gay’s cavorting half-naked in public wearing “bondage costumes” and displaying large crotch “bulges” (or more) is embarrassing and psychologically harmful to children 
    • Gay “liberation” also means freedom to “recruit” vulnerable young “borderline” heterosexuals.. 
    • VOLUNTARY segregation would be better for everyone, and gays themselves would benefit most..! 

    • Internet could be filtered to exclude sexual depravity and extreme violence
    • Ditto, degenerate TV shows like “Naked Attraction” (choosing partners by their genitals)

  • SMART PHONE BAN (for young people)
    • Many child psychologists claim them to be the source of many modern mental health issues especially with young girls.  But, no matter how many psychologists call for them to be banned, and how strong the evidence, it is extremely unlikely to ever happen on a national scale due to, er, “democracy”.     
    • Unesco has called for a global ban on smartphones at schools, saying it would enhance children’s learning and protect them from cyberbullying. The report points out that the overuse of mobile phones is connected to poorer performance at school while excessive screen time affected children’s emotional stability.
    • OA-Cities could include such a ban in their founding charter, thus providing mental health comparisons with OB-Cities which I feel sure would confirm the psychologists claims.

  • I have never considered myself a socialist, but OA-Cities may facilitate many socialist ideals…
    • Everyone will live in outwardly similar apartments (interiors will of course be individualised)
    • No “exclusive” neighbourhoods, except possibly some canal-frontage garden apartments
    • Car-Free society would reduce egotistical displays of wealth and “higher status”
    • More wage equality 
    • Wealth gap reduced (lower Gini co-efficient)  

    • Shy people will find it much easier to make friends when everyone is relaxed and trustful of others  
      • Harmonious and friendly “resort-hotel style” holiday ambience
      • Affinity and kinship amongst citizens (like a members club)
      • Outsiders (day visitors, etc) may be obliged to wear an “identity badges”, as in many govt. buildings, etc. 
      • Community co-operation, “CAP” duties especially, will enable many friendships to be made, even across social barriers. 

    • Cold weather irrelevant, as there will be no need to venture outdoors
    • Home-care visits improved.  Nurses won’t waste time driving from patient to patient
    • Care homes with direct access to the sanctuary gardens and serene woodland paths
    • No danger from road traffic and crime
    • Peace & tranquillity – no sudden frightening loud noises, like raucous motorbikes  
    • Easy access to the “Domain” gardens and woodland nature walks
    • Respect for the elderly regained and enhanced
    • Greater political power (extra votes could be granted based on length of residence)

    • Crime of all kinds will be almost non-existent (Day visitors will be the only real concern)
    • The highly under-reported SHOP-STEALING EPIDEMIC will not spread to OA-Cities. 
      • Having passed the interview process, confirmed citizens are certain to be extremely law-abiding. 
      • Day visitors paying £10 or £20 entry fee are unlikely to be “affirmative shoppers”. 
    • Child safe – able to go out alone and play freely, as in the “good old days”..!
    • Pets safe from motor vehicles and pet-nappers, and cannot easily get lost..!
    • Disaster proof – pyramidal design is storm, flood, fire and earthquake-safe
    • Pandemic proof – isolation and quarantine can be easily and quickly implemented
    • Terrorist proof – mass shootings, bombings, suicide-attacks, car/truck ramming, etc, will be almost impossible to stage. 
    • Drugs interception – will be almost impossible to import drugs 
    • Defensibility – against anarchic rioting mobs  

  • National borders of 1st world countries are now open to unrestricted 3rd world infiltration
  • Unlike OB-cities, where new suburbs can be endlessly tacked-on…
    • OA-cities will have finite populations and no room for un-invited “guests”,  
    • NOWHERE TO HIDE – over-staying visitors will be simply shown the door. 
    • OASIS-CITIES will be like countries as they once were, but just writ small..!  

    • Power cables, conduits, pipelines, waste water, sewage outlets, etc., GREATLY reduced in extent and complexity 
    • On-site power generation (and storage) = no ugly transmission lines, transformers, sub-stations, etc.
    • Simplified infrastructure will mean huge savings in cost and labour-intensity of repairs and upgrades, etc 

    • Low Rents – apartments long-leased by non-profit organisations 
    • Low Service charges (compactness means fewer staff and increased efficiency) 
    • Low heating/cooling costs (super-insulated apartments with only one exterior wall) 
    • Lower maintenance and infrastructural costs (e.g., no roads, street-lights, etc)
    • No need for any noisy and costly rubbish collection trucks 
    • No personal transportation costs (except occasional car-hire for leisure trips)
    • Inexpensive Childcare centres (partially staffed by CAP volunteers)
    • No Police – p/t CAP volunteer security guards could replace police
    • Lower living costs = lower wages = lower costs of almost everything
    • VISITOR ADMISSION FEES will generate substantial community income

    • Beautiful gardens, romantically rustic bucolic woodland pathways meandering past ornamental ponds, 
    • A sanctuary for birds and small wildlife, safe from road traffic and other hazards

    • Would NIMBY’s prefer to see 300,000 hutch-houses (as politicians demand) obliterate the countryside every year..?   
    • OΔCities will house as many people on just 10% of the land required for “hutch-house” suburban sprawl.
    • Surrounded by expansive zones of parkland and woodland OA-Cities will enhance and beautify the urban landscape

    • Squashed hedge-hogs were once a common sight on Britain’s roads, but no longer…
    • Have the cute little creatures learned to avoid crossing roads?  No, they are almost all GONE..!
    • In the 1950’s there were estimated to be 30 million hedgehogs, now there are less than 1 million – a tragic 97% decline..!  
    • If 97% of Britain’s 67 million humans were wiped-out, the pop’n would be about 2 million..!  Dark Age levels..! 
    • Hedge-hogs are only the tip of the relentless wildlife slaughter on roads.  
    • Ever wider, ever faster roads, and ever more vehicles have created a 24hr death-trap for animals attempting to cross 
    • But it gets even worse, because when adult creatures are killed whilst foraging for food, their young starve to death.
    • Wide, fast roads have chopped the landscape into ever smaller parcels where animals are trapped in thousands of small virtual islands. Within each of these “islands” many species of land animals are being slowly but relentlessly exterminated, thus destroying the diversity of wild-life.      
    • Hundreds of thousands of beloved family pets are also slaughtered on the roads every year.

    • CLEAN AIR – exposure to vehicle pollution – not just exhaust emissions but tyre and brake dust – is probably worse than we think, but it is difficult to make valid comparisons of its long-term effects since we move around so much these days.
    • OA-Cities will provide clean air and low-stress benchmarks that will enable easy comparison with physical and mental health issues in OBeCities.  
      • Rain-water (collected from the “roof”) would be much purer than “mains water”
      • Re-cycled water will be used for washing, cooking, industrial, and agricultural purposes
      • No high-voltage transmission lines – often suspected of causing cancer
      • Outdoor exercise facilities on the beautiful and very convenient Podium Circuit
      • No stressful commuting, no frenzied school-runs, or hectic weekly supermarket buy-ups
      • No mortgage stress or car payments means fewer financial worries
      • Relaxed and friendly cruise-ship or resort-style ambience
      • This list will grow……

    • You will tend to dress and groom yourself better, because others will
    • You will not dress like a slob, because others won’t
    • You will SMILE MORE EASILY, because others will, and smiling is contagious..!
    • You will speak and comport yourself better, because others will
    • You will greet and converse with others more often – even people you don’t know – because others will 
    • You will not become very overweight or obese, because others won’t
    • You will EXERCISE and do aerobics more, because others will – and it will be pleasant and convenient to do so..!
    • You will look HEALTHIER & HANDSOMER, because others will…..
    • You will live LONGER & HEALTHIER lives, because others will..

    • 1st world lifestyle with an eco-footprint reduction of up to 80% 

  • ZERO WASTE (well almost)
    • RE-CYCLING – >90% of waste will be re-cycled and/or re-used
    • FOOD WASTE collected and composted daily
    • POO-POWER – flush with pride knowing your No 2’s will be usefully re-cycled
    • Daily re-cycling collections by CAP staff using quiet electric hand-carts
    • No costly behemoth council rubbish trucks groaning slowly and noisily past 
    • Throwaway plastic replaced (where possible) by good-quality returnable and re-usable containers
    • Citizens will pledge to diligently pre-sort their disposables into perhaps 10 categories. 

    • An affordable humanitarian ideal in 1948 has expanded into a bloated money-pit bleeding the economy dry
    • Every year more expensive medical treatments become available and more people want to use them
    • over 2.6 million (in 2023) are on long-tern sick leave benefits, allegedly largely due to “mental health issues”, although that could often be a euphemism for the sort of morbid obesity one sees a lot of in ASDA supermarkets.  
    • Cradle-to-grave benefits need to be pruned but no political party has the courage to do it
    • To admit this, never mind act on it, would be electoral suicide in a conventional democracy 
    • OΔCities would attract those unwilling to continue subsidising the abused benefits system, thus helping to reform it.
    • Semigration to OAcities would amount to OPTING-OUT of the welfare state, as one would by emigration
      • Govt does not prevent people emigrating (thus not paying social contributions), so what’s the difference?
      • Internal migration into OΔCities could spur a winding down of the welfare state, thus benefitting the country at large.
      • Most people reading this will say the govt would never permit any of these ideas or give up any of its powers…
    • The naysayers will be proved wrong as circumstances and attitudes can change, often much quicker than expected…

    • Speculative, but this is my reasoning….
    • “DINKS” lifestyle (double income, no kids) discouraged
    • CHILD-CARE CENTRES very affordable – largely staffed by unpaid CAP volunteers 
    • LOWER LIVING COSTS  will enable a couple to live comfortably on a single salary  
    • NO STRESSFUL SCHOOL-RUNS and “weekly supermarket shop-ups”   
    • NO COMMUTING, no rushing around, so couples will be less tired and stressed in the evening 
    • PRIVACY & INTIMACY Couples will get more of both if their kids do weekday SCHOOL SLEEPOVERs 
    • Happier, healthier, safer, and more exciting environment for children

    • Cronyism, corruption and waste could be eliminated if large contractual tenders were to be vetted and approved by citizens committees 
    • Jury-style citizens boards could also vet residency applications and other matters  

  • LETS GET POLITICAL OA-cities could bridge the chasm which has divided the country into 2 angry camps – “rightists” vs. leftists”, “fascists” vs “anti-fascists”, “racists” vs “anti-racists” and – to be totally frank -“people of colour” vs “people without colour”..!
      • OA-City workplaces will have no need for so-called “HR (Human Resources”) or “Diversity Managers” and other parasites whose only purpose seems to be that of creating societal division.    
      • NO whining offence-taking “special-interests” groups 
      • NO divisive racial and gender-based “identity” politics
      • live amongst people with similar views – loony leftists, reactionary rightists, or middle-diddlers.  Surely a basic human right..?  
    • NO TREADING ON EGGS or biting of tongue when “sensitive” or “contentious” issues are raised  
    • TRUE DEMOCRACY – voting will be on specific issues, not political parties or personalities 
      • everyone would have a DIRECT say in the local govt – so anyone could be a politician whenever they wish, or on the issues of most concern to them.  Just don’t expect to get paid..!
    • EARN EXTRA VOTES as a reward for your “contribution” to the community (perhaps based on your CAP rating)  
    • NO GUILT-TRIPPING DEMONISATION of our history, or relentless and tiresomely unfair accusations of “RACISM” 
    • NO IMMIGRATION unless necessary, and approved by a panel of citizens..!  
    • THE BAD NEWS (lol) is that lawyers and judges will be hardly needed..!

    • Sporting teams of each community composed of genuine residents – ie, no mercenaries..!
    • Football teams composed almost entirely of over-paid foreign players are a disgrace to the concept of “local” teams. 
      • “Mercenary City” would be a more appropriate name for the millionaire mercenary football team known as Manchester City.  

    • The US has its famous (or infamous, depending on your viewpoint) 2nd Amendment (gun rights), dating back to when much of America was lawless frontier country.  Settlers needed to protect themselves against outlaws or, more usually, marauding Indians.   
    • Both sides of the gun argument have valid points.   But with 300 million+ weapons in circulation it would be virtually impossible to hoover them all up, even with generous buy-back schemes which would cost many $billions.   And the bad guys would still have them..!
    • Security-controlled entry-points (as in govt buildings or airport departure zones) would be able to detect guns or other weapons

    • “It will be a nice place when they finish it”  (half-jokingly said of many boom cities) 
      • Boom Cities” like Shanghai or Dubai are permanent construction sites. Endless demolition, construction, re-construction, renovations, road works, and all the noise, dust, and disruption that goes with it.  Such is the price and “privilege” of living in a so-called “boom economy”.
    • OA-City habitats will be of pre-determined size, so no major building need take place once completed.
    • OA-City modules under construction will be at a safe distance from the closest adjacent one.  


“Future-proofing” is when a manufacturer or (in this case) an architectural designer tries to anticipate future technological innovations so that his product or building will not quickly become obsolete. “Future-proofed” design will be a key feature of OΔCities, as they should be built to last for hundreds of years, like the many churches and castles which have stood the test of time.  One aspect of this strategy is to anticipate future shortages and even political chaos. Self-sufficiency is thus all-important. 

A city with on-site water harvesting, energy generation, and food production will be secure from future water, energy, and food shortages, or supply disruption due to insurrection or terrorism.  Self-defensive features should therefore be part of OA-City building strategy.     

OΔCities will incorporate lightweight pre-cast slot-in floor and wall panels with easily accessible conduits for water, waste, electrical power, etc.   Conventional houses require walls and ceilings to be cut open and floors pulled up during renovations, re-wiring, etc.,  Many eco-house designs claim to be “future-proofed”, but integrating “green solutions” (like Ground Heat Pumps) into many individual buildings costs far more per unit, with less efficient outcomes, than in a single large building. The idea of “retro-fitting” millions of old houses to make them “green” (as the UK govt proposes) will be an enormously wasteful exercise.  And how much longer will they last anyway..?  50 years? 75 years?  Of course nobody can say for sure where our power needs will come from in future, but OΔCities are clearly a much better way of conserving what is for now, and may remain for many decades to come, an expensive and limited resource.  

Security from criminals and urban terrorism is certain to become a much bigger issue in the future.  It is very likely that OβeCities will become increasingly chaotic, anarchic and even dangerously dystopian places.  As has already happened in South Africa and many Latin American cities and several once decent US cities (e.g. Detroit) – and many more are heading the same way.   How does one defend an OβeCity from rioting and looting and arsonist mobs or armed insurrectionists?  You cannot without using deadly force, something which police are increasingly reluctant to use.  During the 2011 “London Riots” the police stood back and allowed the (mostly POC) mob to burn and loot, and leftists considered this inaction to be a good strategy as it “probably saved lives”.  

Cynics and naysayers will doubtless sneer – “he wants to create Utopia..!”.  But even the cynics and the naysayers must want things to be better than they are, so why mock the ideal of Utopia, which simply means “Perfect Place”..?  

The beauty of the concept is that each and every OA-city can be individually tailored to reflect the preferences, desires and wishes of its foundation group.  



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