
Many of the pages on this website are drafts or otherwise incomplete, so the yellow banner is there to alert you of that fact, although absence of the banner does not necessarily mean the article is complete since I am always adding a bit here, taking away a bit there.   CONSTRUCTIVE comments and criticisms are welcome, but if all you can think of to say are mindless glib put-downs like “it’ll never happen” or “its an old idea” – then go away as you are clearly lacking in vision and imagination.

An @ sign preceding the page title denotes an important article

An (E) preceding the page title means it is incomplete and being EDITED

  • Arcology (architecture+ecology) – a word coined by Paolo Soleri for his “City in a Building” concept
  • OBeCity – an “Obese City” – a sprawling low-rise metropolis like Los Angeles, or even London
  • OAeCity – an “Oasis-City” – Hotel-style 3D city habitats/modules surrounded by gardens, lakes and woodland 
  • 2D-City – a “2-dimensional” city of countless buildings, mostly low-rise, sprawling to the horizon 
  • 3D-City – a “3-dimensional” city comprising a small number of 3D city modules (or even just one)
  • 3MC (3rd Millennium City) – the type of city that an advanced civilisation would build
  • Deltapolis – prototype pyramidal Oasis City module
  • GL – Green Lobby (environmental activists)
  • GW – global warming
  • CC – climate change
  • MMCC – man-made climate change
  • CE – carbon emissions
  • GGE – greenhouse-gas emissions
  • CAP – community assistance pledge
  • URBAN LABORATORY – Paolo Soleri’s objective for Arcosanti
  • CHARTER CITIESaka “Start-Up Cities” – (World Bank Economist) Paul Romer’s idea for autonomous city-states on territory leased from 3rd world countries, as Hong Kong once was.  He used to say that “the world needs many more Hong Kongs”, but HK has died since 2020 with the Chinese reneging on the 50-year agreement made in 1997.