Small living spaces

For most people the relatively small living spaces of OA-Cities will be the biggest concession to make.
A smaller living space could be a blessing in disguise..!
Given the choice between a house in the outer suburbs or a small city centre apartment, young couples with kids would choose the house. But houses tend to be miles from where one works and shops or plays, or from where friends and family live – thus requiring hours of to-ing and fro-ing every day.! Houses also require far more MAINTENANCE and CLEANING than flats, and GARDENS to be tended – who is to do all that? Houses also need a lot of furniture and furnishings and other trappings – carpets, curtains, bedding, accessories, artwork and mirrors to fill the large bare walls, etc., all of which takes TIME and ENERGY to source and costs a lot of MONEY. And, unless built to expensive German “PassivHaus” standards (very rare) most UK houses require HEATING for about 8 months of the year. Then there is all the WASTED SPACE – rarely or occasionally used “spare rooms”, garages, lofts, and store-rooms half-full of junk.
That said, it could be argued that living in a small inner-city apartment with 2 or 3 hyperactive sprogs would be just as stressful as all that commuting. This might be true in a conventional city centre which, these days, are considered VERY UNSAFE for kids to roam about freely. In fact, any parents who allowed their kids complete freedom to roam and wander at will in a city centre would be considered IRRESPONSIBLE and would probably find themselves in trouble with child-protection authorities.
Oasis Cities would offer a full range of facilities close to home – and exciting places where kids could roam and play unsupervised and, most importantly, in complete SAFETY and SECURITY..!

A well-designed 30m2 apartment is adequate for a couple
Most homes have a lot of wasted space especially when compared with the space-saving design features of luxury mobile homes and luxury cruising boats, which many people dream about living on. Yet, unless you have millions to spend, most boats are very “squeezy” and 30m2 of living space would be considered a great luxury and would cost more than a new inner-city apartment of the same size.
OA-City apartments, otoh, should be LESS EXPENSIVE, even if only for rent.

Elevator bed is out of sight until ready to use. If mass-produced for OA-City use, they need not be expensive.
Beds could fold back into a wall or rise to the ceiling (elevator bed) or simply convert into a lounger. In this way, bedroom and lounge could become the same space – which makes a lot of sense since the TV is usually in the lounge but many people like having a TV in the bedroom too..! Why have 2 TV’s when one will do?
Living in small spaces discourages frivolous purchases and accumulation of “stuff”. It forces you to think twice about whether you REALLY need things you “think” you need. And you probably don’t..!
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