@Parks for the People

In OβeCities WEALTH gives greater access to nice city parks..!
Because property in city centres is so expensive, only wealthy residents who live nearby have EASY ACCESS, whilst the great majority have to travel a significant distance in order to enjoy these central parks.  And busy roads have to be crossed making it dangerous for children, and large city-centre parks also tend to attract unsavoury characters. 

See the source image

Central Park, New York – surrounded by expensive apartment buildings


See the source image

Central Park – delightful by day, dangerous by night


Hyde Park, London – surrounded by exclusive residential areas


Hyde Park again – this one in Sydney – also surrounded by expensive apartment buildings 

OΔ-City residents will have EASY access to the surrounding “Domain Sanctuary”, with no dangerous roads to cross and no suspicious loiterers.  More enchanting and MUCH SAFER than Oβ-City parks.

Oasis Cities reverses the situation.  The Domain surrounds the city, thus giving ALL residents EQUALLY EASY access to the Park..! 

Beautiful parkland like this could be right on your doorstep