Tempting Terrorist Targets..?

An oft-cited fear is that compact densely-populated OA-Cities would make ideal terrorist targets

The aim of terrorist groups is to kill as many enemy targets as possible, so any place with a high population density will make a more tempting target for them than low-density suburbs or rural areas. 

OA-Cities will certainly be high on terrorism’s target list but, that said, their very compactness coupled with their controlled-access points – will make them very defensible and almost impossible to infiltrate compared with conventional OB-Cities which are so open to infiltration.  

None of the terrorists’ favourite mass-killing methods would work against OA-Cities

Yet Another Terror Attack Leaves France Enraged | TIME

ALLAH AKBAR..!  Nice truck-ramming atrocity July 14, 2016

  • Motor vehicles will have no means of access, so truck/car bombs, etc, or using vehicles to run-over scores of people would be impossible to stage.  
  • A dual layer of airport-style security control – at the outer perimeter and then at the building entrance itself – will make it very difficult to smuggle in weapons or bomb-making materials.
  • Any weapon or explosive device which did manage to evade these controls would be quite small and relatively ineffective in a large building.  
  • In a worst-case scenario where a hijacked plane manages to score a direct hit, a pyramidal building’s innate structural stability would prevent it collapsing catastrophically like a sky-scraper.     


See the source image

A pyramidal OA-City would NOT collapse into a heap of rubble like the twin towers.


See the source image

  • Unlike closely packed sky-scrapers, OA-City modules will have a “clear field of fire” and, depending on future political conditions, they COULD be protected by radar-controlled “Phalanx” Gatling guns.  


One Response to Tempting Terrorist Targets..?

  • Love your free thinking and brainstorming to throw it out their amongthe sheeple.

    Unfortunately the problem is one of a design flaw within each person from creation. It is called emotion that loves excess and easy answers wit no discipline and accountablity.

    It 3 tiers, society has formed on the same character traits as Adam, Eve and the serpent. Islam will never stop deceiving, infiltrating and killing to impose the serpent law prophesied since the earliest prophets. 1400 years of creeping genocide
    the well meaning ignorance based on Christian roots cannot conceive such evil until it stands in front of them.


    Quran (21:44) – “…See they not that We gradually reduce the land (in their control) from its outlying borders? Is it then they who will win?”

    Quran (25:52) – “Therefore listen not to the Unbelievers, but strive against them with the utmost strenuousness with it.”

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