Global Warming is leftist NWO propaganda

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Many people on the right of the political spectrum think, that since “saving the planet” is largely a passion of naively youthful “progressives” like Greta Thunberg, then Global Warming (GW) and Climate Change (CC) must a leftist NWO globalist conspiracy.  Leftists may be wrong on many – if not most – other issues, but surely “even a blind chicken will occasionally find some corn”?

Global carbon emissions in 2020 are 65% higher than in 1990 when warnings about “Global Warming” began heating up

Global CO₂ emissions were 150 times higher in 2011 than they were in 1850.   

In 1850 the United Kingdom was the top emitter of CO₂, with emissions nearly six times those of the country with the second-highest emissions, the United States. France, Germany, and Belgium completed the list of top five emitters. In 2011, China ranked as world’s largest emitter, followed by the United States, India, Russia, and Japan. Tellingly, while the United States was the world’s second-largest emitter in both years, its emissions in 2011 were 266 times greater than those in 1850.

Given all the poisonous gunk our bloated cities, our industries and transport systems have been disgorging in ever-increasing amounts into the atmosphere and the seas, concurrent with massive planet-wide de-forestation, and over-exploitative harvesting of the seas, etc., it seems utterly foolish to think that emissions and pollution on such an enormous global scale could have NO effect on the planetary weather.

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We can never be 100% sure that humans are affecting the climate but, given the enormous increase in GGE (Greenhouse Gas Emissions) since WW2, it seems logical to assume that human activity is the most likely cause of Global Warming – so it would be irresponsible not to try and do something about it.    

My solution would be to stop adding to sprawl and instead build new dormitory cities, entirely composed of community-sized “mini-Arcologies” in which you would not need cars.  We’re never going to be able to greatly reduce our carbon emissions when every person on the planet aspires to owning a private car, so Electric cars are definitely NOT the solution..!  The problem is not cars per se, but the sheer number of them – and the energy and materials which go into them – and the city sprawl that they facilitate.

Nothing could be more absurdly wasteful than owning one (or more) of these over-sized, over-engineered, and grossly over-powered machines – and to then only use it for less than an hour a day…!

OA-Cities are a solution to many issues, but NOT the GW/CC crisis  

Although OA-cities will emit about 80% less carbon per capita than OB-cities, there will probably not be enough of them built by the end of this century, in enough places, to bring about more than a small global reduction in CE.

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