Civilisational game-changer


“You can make only MARGINAL improvements by tinkering with or adapting an existing model.          

To really improve something you must build a NEW MODEL that makes the existing model totally OBSOLETE” 

R. Buckminster-Fuller

3D printing – a game-changer for manufacturing..!

3D Cities – a game-changer for Civilisation..! 

 Our cities, once compact and walkable, have retrogressed into ANARCHIC and DYSTOPIAN landscapes of countless brick and concrete boxes of different shapes, sizes, and built quality – unplanned, unconstrained, and unending.   All of this haphazardly connected by a complex and confusingly chaotic network of roads – time-consumingly wearisome, grid-locked, noisy, polluting, and often uncomfortable travel modes. 

This latter-day concept of cities as vast 2-D sprawls (OBeCities)   


Los Angeles – such a waste of a beautiful name..!

Such an inelegant and outmoded idea as 2D Cities – Obese Cities – is curiously anachronistic to a world awash with compact, clean, quiet, efficient, and aesthetic technology.

It is often proposed that OBeCities could be “retro-fitted” to make them more “eco-friendly”

This would be an enormous waste of money and materials..!

The real “Inconvenient Truth” – memo to Al Gore – is 1.25 billion motor vehicles

Electric cars and driverless cars are a distraction from the real issue, which is that…

Cars, whether EV or ICE, create sprawl – sprawl is City Cancer – yet we keep feeding this cancer..!

As “Bucky” said – if you want to make dramatic improvements, its better to make a new model..!   

The only viable long-term solution is car-free, carbon-free, and carefree Oasis Cities  

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The Shape of Cities to Come..!


But the environment is not the only thing that badly needs fixing….

Western civilisation is being degraded from within and assaulted from without 

Saving the environment AND saving civilisation..! 

Oasis Cities can achieve both..!