Would any country actually permit them..?


Russia excluded..!



Politically stable, democratic and relatively incorrupt with “green” credentials and a historical tradition of hosting many tiny political entities, e.g., the Principalities, Dukedoms, and “Free Cities” of the “Holy Roman Empire” – Europe would seem to be the continent most amenable to the establishment of self-governing OA-Cities.

Sadly, many mini-states were swallowed-up during France’s c17/18 eastward expansion and virtually all the rest fell victim to the c19 nationalistic urge to create “unified” super-states like Germany and Italy.  And what a good idea – NOT – that turned out to be.!  

More recently, the European Union’s ever-expanding supranational authority would seem to quash any hopes of new self-governed entities, as that would threaten the EU’s insatiable ambition to make ALL the rules for ALL of Europe..! The delegation of “one-size-fits-all” over-arching power to the EU would seem to rule out the idea of politically autonomous OA-Cities, despite the amazing ecological benefits that would accrue from them – conserving and re-afforesting the countryside, whilst reducing our insane levels of energy consumption and waste.       



BLACK AFRICA (the northern part belongs to “Islamia”)


Even with the backing of a powerful “guarantor state” (which is highly unlikely, unless China) it would be foolish to establish an Oasis City in any politically unstable host country.  Which rules out almost every country in AFRICA due to the venality, corruption and untrustworthiness of its politicians and their seething hatred for what they would doubtless characterise as “neo-colonialism”.  Bear in mind that, without so-called “colonialism” (only a few African countries were actually “colonised” by Europeans), Africa would probably still consist of countless constantly warring and slaving tribal tyrannies with no modern infrastructure and certainly no “democracy” or “human-rights”.   Some have done better than others but “better” is only relative as most have done their best to degrade and destroy whatever institutions and infrastructure they were gifted upon independence, and now rely on massive infusions of foreign (mostly European) aid, in particular “food aid”.   The most fertile continent of all cannot feed itself because Africans have consistently proved themselves incapable of producing food on a commercial scale.

Fun-fact – tiny Netherlands produces almost as much food as all of Africa. 

That said some of the (mostly) better-governed island states could be “possibles”.  In 2008 the then President of Madagascar expressed great interest in Paul Romer’s “Charter Cities” concept and agreed to host 2 such entities, whilst also granting a 99-year lease (a la Hong Kong) of a huge swathe of agricultural land to Korean investors.   But, probably as a direct result of his neo-colonial tendencies, he was then ousted in a leftist coup and the new rulers promptly cancelled his plans.

ISLAMIA – not a continent, but an almost contiguous land-mass dominated by Islam


Most of the negative aspects of African politics also applies to Islamic countries, but with a sharp twist in the tail – the oppressively dogmatic nature of ISLAM itself..!  In addition to being antagonistic to “Western” ideals like “freedom of speech” and “human rights”, etc., it is very unlikely that any Islamic nation would permit any self-governing enclaves on their territories, especially if they were to be organised by non-Muslims.  Even if some western-oriented Muslims were given permission to establish an Oasis-City, it is highly improbable they would be allowed any meaningful degree of self-governance.

See the source image

South & East Asia


Anti-colonial “angst” is very strongly felt in ASIA even though no Asian country was ever actually “colonised”, in the true sense of the word.  Asian countries tend to be highly authoritarian and paternalistic and hyper-sensitive to “loss of face” – so they would be dis-inclined to allow “foreigners” bringing dangerous ideas like “human rights” and freedom of expression to exert political control over even the tiniest of enclaves, such as Hong Kong once was, for fear that such non-Asian ideas might prove popular with their own people.  A narrative that is now being played out in Hong Kong whose Chinese overlords are ruthlessly suppressing dissent amongst westernised Hong-Kongers.    

Since it is pointless to even think about Russia, we are only left with Australasia and the Americas….