Grand Green Delusions

See the source image

See the source image


The title is a parody of “Grand Designs” a long-running British TV show (also exported to Australia) which follows the travails of couples who design and build their dream house, whilst constantly running out of money and going way over budget and time frame.  Most of these earnest self-builders delude themselves (and presenter Kevin McCloud) into believing that they are building “green” houses and are thus doing “their bit for the environment”.  Utter tosh..!   Although a few of the houses featured are built on tiny city plots, or re-cycled industrial buildings like water towers, etc., most are substantial (300m2 or so) new builds or major conversions of old farm buildings, etc., on large plots in rural locations.  All require mountains of materials, especially concrete and wide expanses of very thick triple-glazed floor to ceiling glass walls.  And, of course, a triple garage.   Impressive as many of these creations are, none are “e/v friendly” because IMO, houses of all kinds – and especially large stand-alone houses – are the antithesis of “green”.  


Bagehot - Britain's delusions about the green belt cause untold ...


In the near future our cities will be run entirely on renewable energy

Electric or Hydrogen cars will solve our energy problems

Driverless cars are the future of motoring 

Retro-fitting millions of leaky old buildings will make them energy-efficient 

“Smart Electricity Grids” and “sensors in the home” will greatly reduce energy usage

A good public transport system will get people to give up their cars

People should use their cars less often, and walk to the shops for example

Cycling is a practical way to go to work, shops, etc

More Cycle lanes will encourage people to give up their cars