(?) Smaller Smarter Spaces (stub)

Do you live in a house and own one or more cars which you use on a daily basis..?

If so, then you are PART OF THE PROBLEM..!

We will never solve our enviro-woes unless we DENSIFY our urban spaces – and learn to live without cars 

See the source image

Many people feel threatened by the thought of “high-density” housing because it conjures up images like this 


OA-Cities will provide SMALLER, but much SMARTER SPACES.

And far more convenient, with all work-spaces and essential facilities within walking distance.  I realise that many people are frightened or threatened by the idea of HIGH-DENSITY LIVING as it conjures up minds-eye images of serried-ranks of dystopian-looking flats.

If we compare the living quarters in an Oasis City with a balcony suite in a luxurious cruise ship, or an all-facility resort hotel – who in their right minds would NOT like to live in such a place?  OK, those who are used to living in houses might say – “it might be nice for a couple of weeks, but not for ever”.  But how do they know until they have tried..?

Nobody will ever be FORCED to live in an Oasis-City, but wouldn’t it be good to have the option, which they don’t have now..!

Oasis Cities will also facilitate the creation of HIGH-TRUST ALTRUISTIC SOCIETIES – communities whose citizens are committed to lend a helping hand in the running of all kinds of essential services, and to do so without financial reward, and to be very happy to do so..!